Read some posts and quitting Now. I have dipped since 1996 but quit for 8 months in 2002 and for 9 months in 10-11. I started back both times thinking I could have just one! STUPID! I know I need help and support.
Cards, are you a StL Cards fan? If so, fuck off!!! Go elsewhere!!!
lol, jk, hey man, alot of people come here for 'help and support' but do you know what kind of help and support you need? The help you need to quit, needs to come from within, only you can decide to stay quit today. There is support everywhere here. You'll be in July'12, there are already some badass quitters there, go say hi and
post roll call. Posting roll is giving your word that you will be quit THAT DAY, so post early and post often
You need anything, PM me