Author Topic: One Day at a Time  (Read 2110 times)

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Re: One Day at a Time
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2008, 11:43:00 PM »
Hi Joe!

Nice avatar - I can only assume you are a Bears fan like me.

Your quit date is the same as mine, so come on in to January tomorrow morning and post roll.

This post explains how. index.php?showtopic=50

Welcome to the group!


Offline Joe Kidd

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Re: One Day at a Time
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2008, 04:05:00 PM »
Quote from: iuchewie

i was a kodiak wintergreen guy myself for about 17 years.  i won't tell you that hooch wintergreen is going to fool you into thinking you've got the bear, but i will tell you that hooch wintergreen is the best kodiak substitute out there (in my opinion).

welcome to the group!


Thanks Chewie and thanks for that info on the Hooch.
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Re: One Day at a Time
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2008, 03:57:00 PM »
Quote from: Joe
Whats up guys? I dipped Kodiak for 18 years and I think I'm finally done wrestling that big bad nasty bear. I quit cold turkey on October 7th of this year and I'm doing real well so far. I did however order some Hooch wintergreen herbal snuff this past week because I'm starting to crave that spitting routine in certain situations. I only live about 50 yards from a corner store and recently I've found myself staring at it thinking how much Kodiak is in there... :( Not good I know thats why I went after the Hooch.

Dipping and the junk food diest that came from tobacco use did a number on my teeth. I had to put out over 15 grand on a bunch of crowns and a few implants and this has forced me to stop the madness. My overall health was getting pretty bad too. I'm only 34 years old and I was under weight by about 20 pounds and the bad teeth was destroying me and my social life. So it was obviously time for me to say enough is enough.

So far I'm already 25 pounds heavier, I work out four times a week, and have a great smile once again. I do miss it everyday but I'll never forget the damage it did to me and my wallet, and I refuse to let it happen again.

Does anybody know if the wintergreen hooch is anything like Kodiak in taste? I almost got the spitfire brand but thought I'd give the wintergreen a shot first.
congrats on a great quit you've got going there!

i was a kodiak wintergreen guy myself for about 17 years. i won't tell you that hooch wintergreen is going to fool you into thinking you've got the bear, but i will tell you that hooch wintergreen is the best kodiak substitute out there (in my opinion).

welcome to the group!

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Offline Joe Kidd

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One Day at a Time
« on: December 09, 2008, 03:53:00 PM »
Whats up guys? I dipped Kodiak for 18 years and I think I'm finally done wrestling that big bad nasty bear. I quit cold turkey on October 7th of this year and I'm doing real well so far. I did however order some Hooch wintergreen herbal snuff this past week because I'm starting to crave that spitting routine in certain situations. I only live about 50 yards from a corner store and recently I've found myself staring at it thinking how much Kodiak is in there... :( Not good I know thats why I went after the Hooch.

Dipping and the junk food diest that came from tobacco use did a number on my teeth. I had to put out over 15 grand on a bunch of crowns and a few implants and this has forced me to stop the madness. My overall health was getting pretty bad too. I'm only 34 years old and I was under weight by about 20 pounds and the bad teeth was destroying me and my social life. So it was obviously time for me to say enough is enough.

So far I'm already 25 pounds heavier, I work out four times a week, and have a great smile once again. I do miss it everyday but I'll never forget the damage it did to me and my wallet, and I refuse to let it happen again.

Does anybody know if the wintergreen hooch is anything like Kodiak in taste? I almost got the spitfire brand but thought I'd give the wintergreen a shot first.
Never Die Easy