Today's my first day dip-free. I'm not going to come on here thinking it's easy to quit because if it was this wouldn't exist. I know I reached a point in my life where I NEED to quit and I'm ready to.
I started dipping junior year of high school. I told myself I'd quit when I went to college, then my senior year, then after graduating. I've been out of college for 2 years now still dipping (until today) and it hit me that dipping was no longer a "thing I was doing for a couple years" but now a 9+ year nicotine addiction and it needs to end.
Welcome into the May group, Shmuffinman! Quitting is simple, but it is hard. Two things you have to do every today, post roll and NO NICOTINE in any form. No smokes, pills, patches, gum, enemas...whatever. There are 1000's on this forum pulling for you.
When you can, read! Some real nuggets of wisdom scattered throughout this site. Pull up a chair in the LIVE CHAT room, always good for a laugh or to blow off steam.
Drink a LOT of water, exercise. You're going to be on an emotional roller coaster, it's the price we all paid to shake the nicotine addiction. Glad to have you in May!