Snuff Hound here. I just found this site and plan to use it as inspiration to stick with my quit. I'm a 1.5 can a day dipper for 17 years. Red Seal ended up being my drug of choice since it was so cheap.
I'm a few hours away from beginning day 3. I'm finding the "triggers" to be more grueling than the withdrawl so far. Wish me luck. I have everything in the world to keep me wife, 11mo old son and a new job.
snuff HOund, YOu dont need luck, either do it or don't do it. Chew never actually sneaks up on you and jumps in your mouth. I can say that you can be 100% successful if you can follow one easy instruction. Dont put any fucking dip in your pie hole.
You need to be quitting for YOU. more than all the others. If your not, the first time Sally Sweetie Pie decideds to uncork her inner unreasonable female uber ego and tells you your a worthless pile of steaming man shat. YOu will dip just to spite her. Thats what happens when yopu quit for her. Same goes for the little honor student . YOu quit for your kids? then you'll resent the fact you had to quit . YOu'll blame the little booger eater for all the shit your going through. See, that aint cool either. That one kid diaper demo squad didnt shove a big ole wedge of copeskullisealberrymintywolffinecut cancer green in you stoopid mouth!. YOU DID.
As for the Job, you can't quit for a job. You can hide dip from a job. YOu can let it fuck up your job, you can let it get you fired from you job. But probably shouldnt quit for the job.
YOU GOTTA QUIT FOR U and u first. Then you quit for them,