Gump, not sure why you would think I'm some troll, but I assure you, I'm here for the same reasons as everyone else. If there is something in either of my posts that lead you to believe otherwise, let me know and I'll do my best to prove otherwise.
If its the name, Spartan. Well, I can offer some clarity as to why I chose that name because as anyone familiar with Sparta knows that a Spartan is about as tough as they come. I was going to give myself the clever moniker of Spartan Quitter, but that seemed to be contradiction, since Spartans certainly are not quitters. Therefore, Spartan. And I feel that I need to be as tough as a Spartan in order to win this battle.
My first quit was easy. I got scared. There was no second guessing. Well, there was, but that happened much later, like a month or two later, or I somehow recall a three month quit mark that had me thinking about caving. But at that point it was much easier for me to say no.
This time its much harder. I'm scared of what could happen if I don't quit, but its not a sore scare that made me quit. I quit for the reason I gave in my first email. The first day or two I used nicorette. That helped take the nerve off, but I don't really like having to monitor the chew for 15 seconds, store gum, chew, store, chew, store, etc. Now I'm just on regular gum and Spitz sunflower seeds (they seem less salty). I wish Clove gum was easier to find.
Its been another difficult night. But I made it through day 12.
DennyX, I have and will continue to read more on this Website. After this post I will check out the Welcome link. Thanks.