Author Topic: New chapter in life  (Read 2314 times)

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Offline Nolaq

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Re: New chapter in life
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2014, 10:10:00 AM »
I locked the thread. Pretty sure this is a banned member.

Don't feed the trolls.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: New chapter in life
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2014, 09:31:00 AM »
USMCray, I'm not sure what you're story is for being banned, don't really care. You did post in my intro during the first week of my quit and I appreciate the encouragement. I wish you the best and hope you get all the help you need, but KTC may not be the best place for you at the moment. From past experience, I would concentrate on staying sober from alcohol for a year or more before tackling other addictions. Just sharing what worked and did not work for me in the past.
Quote from: Tuco
Finally, you need to stop using "USMC" in your usernames. It is an extreme disservice to the thousands of other military veterans on this site that are actually honorable and accountable.
Being a jarhead myself, I cannot agree with Tuco more. Integrity is a core value of the Corps and it sounds like you have some room for improvement in that area.
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Re: New chapter in life
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2014, 09:23:00 AM »
Quote from: Tuco's
USMCray - I thought you were banned by the admins, no? Does this mean Bobby Cumbubbles is going to be making the rounds soon, too?

Either way, the admins had a reason to ban you in the first place. You just vomited a bunch of contrition, but I recall that being your MO the last time around, too. So what's different? Elaborate, don't just bloviate.

By your admission, you're 91 days clean and sober. Congrats on whiteknuckling it mostly on your own, but don't use the lack of KTC as an excuse for your marital and family issues. Weak sauce excuse making like that tells me you really haven't changed.

Finally, you need to stop using "USMC" in your usernames. It is an extreme disservice to the thousands of other military veterans on this site that are actually honorable and accountable.
Bloviate - To talk at length, especially in an inflated or empty way. D4M = team player. (yes I looked it up)

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Re: New chapter in life
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2014, 09:18:00 AM »
USMCray - I thought you were banned by the admins, no? Does this mean Bobby Cumbubbles is going to be making the rounds soon, too?

Either way, the admins had a reason to ban you in the first place. You just vomited a bunch of contrition, but I recall that being your MO the last time around, too. So what's different? Elaborate, don't just bloviate.

By your admission, you're 91 days clean and sober. Congrats on whiteknuckling it mostly on your own, but don't use the lack of KTC as an excuse for your marital and family issues. Weak sauce excuse making like that tells me you really haven't changed.

Finally, you need to stop using "USMC" in your usernames. It is an extreme disservice to the thousands of other military veterans on this site that are actually honorable and accountable.

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Re: New chapter in life
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2014, 09:10:00 AM »
I am is 2 words, just sayin'.............
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: New chapter in life
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2014, 09:01:00 AM »
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Usmc
Good morning ladies and gentleman. My name is Armando I been a child In previous quit attempts and failed. I tried nic gum patches etc. I tried quitting and using a alcohol I tried it all 28 years old and thought I had it all figured out and thought I could question the older veterans who paved the way for a young punk who needed to grow up before thinking I could quit. I'm 91 days quit from alcohol and tobacco. It's been a fight for life. Iam almost divorced because of not having Ktc from being my foundation. I need y'all brothers I don't want another second of y'all's time until I earn it. I just want to be here I want to post roll I want to read everyone's posts and hp and guide the new comers from going down the same path I went down. The marines work and family could never prepare me for this battle of fighting for my life. But Ktc is the formula for success and life. If any veterans want to interact with the new man Iam I Will only reply with at first sending you a picture of myself and my family just so I can hopefully erase who i was to who Iam today. The once unwise man took Ktc for granted and then went to prisond so to speak. Now I'm out with a who new outlook on life and all the beautiful things such as KTC!! So to all the vets and new guys I quit with you today one day at a time.
USMCray- impressive that you have remained quit and you quit both nic and booze. Not sure if the admins or mods have seen this yet or if they have welcomed you back. I know you've had a number of different names on here and some previous issues.

Hope this is serious this time.

what makes this time so different? I truly hope it is for your sake. we shall see.
HOF Date 9/30/2014 in the October Titans group

so what my quit dates in September and im in the Ocotber HOF group? that makes me a SuliTan
"Youll never regret staying quit, youll always regret caving"- Nolaq
"That's like putting a bolt back into a machine without never seizing it.... Your just fucking the next guy. " - Jake_M
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Offline FMBM707

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Re: New chapter in life
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2014, 06:08:00 AM »
Quote from: Usmc
Good morning ladies and gentleman. My name is Armando I been a child In previous quit attempts and failed. I tried nic gum patches etc. I tried quitting and using a alcohol I tried it all 28 years old and thought I had it all figured out and thought I could question the older veterans who paved the way for a young punk who needed to grow up before thinking I could quit. I'm 91 days quit from alcohol and tobacco. It's been a fight for life. Iam almost divorced because of not having Ktc from being my foundation. I need y'all brothers I don't want another second of y'all's time until I earn it. I just want to be here I want to post roll I want to read everyone's posts and hp and guide the new comers from going down the same path I went down. The marines work and family could never prepare me for this battle of fighting for my life. But Ktc is the formula for success and life. If any veterans want to interact with the new man Iam I Will only reply with at first sending you a picture of myself and my family just so I can hopefully erase who i was to who Iam today. The once unwise man took Ktc for granted and then went to prisond so to speak. Now I'm out with a who new outlook on life and all the beautiful things such as KTC!! So to all the vets and new guys I quit with you today one day at a time.
USMCray- impressive that you have remained quit and you quit both nic and booze. Not sure if the admins or mods have seen this yet or if they have welcomed you back. I know you've had a number of different names on here and some previous issues.

Hope this is serious this time.

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New chapter in life
« on: October 30, 2014, 05:04:00 AM »
Good morning ladies and gentleman. My name is Armando I been a child In previous quit attempts and failed. I tried nic gum patches etc. I tried quitting and using a alcohol I tried it all 28 years old and thought I had it all figured out and thought I could question the older veterans who paved the way for a young punk who needed to grow up before thinking I could quit. I'm 91 days quit from alcohol and tobacco. It's been a fight for life. Iam almost divorced because of not having Ktc from being my foundation. I need y'all brothers I don't want another second of y'all's time until I earn it. I just want to be here I want to post roll I want to read everyone's posts and hp and guide the new comers from going down the same path I went down. The marines work and family could never prepare me for this battle of fighting for my life. But Ktc is the formula for success and life. If any veterans want to interact with the new man Iam I Will only reply with at first sending you a picture of myself and my family just so I can hopefully erase who i was to who Iam today. The once unwise man took Ktc for granted and then went to prisond so to speak. Now I'm out with a who new outlook on life and all the beautiful things such as KTC!! So to all the vets and new guys I quit with you today one day at a time.