Hey all, Its the second day of my quit. I didn't sign on the first day because of several reason
1. I wanted to make sure I was serious
2. Didn't know this site existed
At the end of the first day I was looking for resources to help me quit. It was a sad story, I switched to dip from smoking because I thought it was something I could easily transition completely out of. 8 years later I finally woke up and realized I was now just a slave to something else.
I'm tired of looking for a fix, I'm tired of wasting time on something that will eventually kill me. We all had our reasons for starting this habit, well now I am deciding to put my foot down, no more will I be a slave, no more will I kill myself. FN' Misfits of May....here we go!
Day 18, Thought I'd give you all an update on how things are going. I'm not going to lie, this has sucked! Not because I can't/won't dip, but because of what I am going through as a direct result of putting that poison in my body. Luckily my dentist appointment went well, and he encouraged me to continue my quit, unfortunately the damage I did do is there to stay and will require a little work.
Are you still reading? good, are you a member of KTC? if not, don't wait, make the best decision of your life right now. Use the resources here, talk to your fellow addicts and drink the kool-aid. To those of you that are reading this update and have been quit, thank you for your support and QLF EDD