Author Topic: When Chewie welcomed me  (Read 2153 times)

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Offline satarch1

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Re: When Chewie welcomed me
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2008, 07:46:00 PM »
yep...this is some funny shit. Glad you just decided to do it. Now, make sure you stick to it every morning. Wake up, promise us you won't dip..or smoke...and you're golden. It's not quite that easy, but we're here to help. Read and and post..PM me or anyone else if you think you need to.


Offline devaron2

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When Chewie welcomed me
« on: July 15, 2008, 10:30:00 PM »
This is some funny shit. This was about 8 days ago when I was pussy-footing around thinking about quitting. Of course, I didn't want to quit that day, but some day three days into the future. You know, when it would be right (ha ha). Anyway, Chewie nudged me a little, got me reading and I decided to stop being a sally...

Start from the bottom!
FUCK IT.  I just read some sad shit from people who were going to quit this day or that day for whatever reason.  It's all bullshit.  Time to man up. 

Thanks for the welcome.  I haven't quit yet - My day is Friday after work.  Why you ask?  No good reason other than I think it will be easier if I'm around my wife all day the first couple days.  Plus the "fog" everyone refers to hits me hardest the first few days, and I'd rather experience it on my deck than at my desk with a client.  I've quit several times and failed.  Once after four years.  Well, that's misleading.  I quit tobacco all together for about two years.  Then I started bumming cigarettes from friends and, well, you know the rest.  After a few failed attempts to quit smoking I finally just switched back to chew.  That was hard to admit to myself.  Other than the occasional failed quit, I've been chewing for 19 years (I'm 31 now).  Anyone wear a suit and tie to work everyday and "gut it" so your clients won't know you're a dirt bag? 

Anyway, I found the site by googling and read quite a few sites before I decided on this one.  Don't know why I chose it - it just felt like home.  You guys seem to get it.  I'm not too keen on asking for help but at this point, it's my only hope.  I can't wait to feel like a man again - a man in charge of himself and not a slave like those junkies I try to convince myself are somehow below me (what a joke). 
welcome to the site!  i hope you're quit already, but if not, you've come to the right place!  as a former 16+ year can/day kodiak man, i can tell you that IT CAN be done...  ask questions, post often and read everything you can get your hands on. 

if you haven't seen it already, you might want to head over to which is our parent site -- tons of good info over there about quitting.

here's a couple of links that might help get you going...

october 2008 -- if your quit date is today, this is your quit group.  head on over and introduce yourself.  these guys/gals are at the same point in their quit as you are.

the welcome center -- why we do what we do, how to post roll, etc.

hall of fame speeches -- once you hit 100 days you're considered in the HOF -- most people write a speech to commemorate this.

what to expect -- an article from killthecan

How To Post Roll

ask questions, talk to your brothers... they're either going through what you are right now or have been there...

let me know if there's anything that i can do for you -- congrats on a great decision to quit!


ps -- mind if i ask how you found us?
Never a doubt!