I understand and appreciate the support that's available here. I'm only 20 days quit and this site got me though the thick of it in the beginning so wtf do I know. I never made it more than 24 hours without nic since 2002 and I'm 20 days deep. I can say with extreme confidence that I'll never use again, there's too much to lose and now that I've made it out I won't ever need to start over. Yeah I'll get craves, who doesn't, but I know I'll never go back, I've already won in my mind. I'll still post roll because I'm a numbers guy and want to see that number keep ticking up but I can't guarantee that it will be first thing in the morning, it may actually be the last thing I do before bed, get over it. Like I said, I appreciate the support, I really appreciate those who have messaged and emailed me check in, that's rad. I don't get motivated by shit talking, I get motivate by kindness. Reading shit like "you didn't post roll this morning so you're gonna cave" is bullshit, seriously eat a dick man. I wake up at 4am every day to shit, shower and sprint to my truck to get to work on time. I own my own business. I work non stop on my feet away from a computer from 5-10am, then I'm in meetings till noon, work away from my computer off and on. If I'm on my computer I'm responding to the dozens of emails I get a day. If I'm lucky I get home by 9pm just in time to put my daughters down to bed then I do it all over again the next day, 16 hour days 5 days a week. On weekends I spend every waking moment with my family being that I don't see them during the week. It's probably the nic and the recent realization that I hate where I live and want to sell my business and move my family the fuck out of California but I'm fucking pissed, like all day every day. Serious, serious anger running through me every day. I post roll and read the shit that people write and while I understand what you're trying to do I just don't agree with it. Like I said, I'll continue to come on, log my thoughts and post roll but I'm not going to engage, sorry. Hopefully someone else will read what I write as motivation, that's what I have to contribute, I just have too much going on. You can call me a "ghost poster", it doesn't hurt my feelings but I'm still quit and still haven't missed a day of posting roll.