My name is Brandon and last night as I was brushing my teeth I gave them a little look-see and what I saw freaked me out. I didn't realize how far my gums have receded and so I threw away my can 15 seconds after that. So far today I haven't had a dip which is definitely a good thing. Though I can definitely tell my body wants one. I've been dipping for appx 4 years now and I think the biggest problem is just the oral fixation part. I enjoy just having a dip for the sake of having something in my lip. I'm sure there are a bunch of people on here that have experienced the same feeling and I'm just curious as to how you dealt with it? Any and all advice is greatly appreciated! This beer is to a better me!
The sad news Brandon is that your gums will not regenerate on your teeth-- the gum loss is permanent. The good news is once you stop dipping the you won't lose anymore.
Addiction is an amazing thing. Your rational mind finds dozens of reasons why you do something, all the while missing the real cause: you have an addiction. If all you want is something in your lip, then choose an herbal substitute and stay of real tobacco. But I doubt that will be enough to stay away from tobacco. The herbal stuff 'just won't feel the same', or some other excuse, and only real tobacco will successfully scratch that itch, and back you will go.
Join your quit group now, and post roll every day. The people in your group will help you figure out what to do with the oral habit. Accountability will teach you how to see and then beat, one day at a time, this pathetic addiction which controls your life.