Author Topic: New Quitter  (Read 2074 times)

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2009, 11:41:00 PM »
Quote from: nxrose
Hello All:

I have been dipping for almost a year now.  I stupidly used it as a gateway to quit smoking, thinking I would just use dip to get my nicotine fix for a while, then eventually stop.  Well, that didn't work out so well.  Now, I have decided to once and for all quit this disgusting and dangerous habit.  I have tried to quit several times before with no success, but this is it.  I am sure this forum will keep me on the ball.

I look forward to speaking with you all.

Hey, I used copenhagen to quit smoking too.

It worked great... kept me away from cigarettes for the next 12 years. Oops.

You're in for a hell of a ride for the next couple of weeks, but take it one day at a time and you can do it.

Funny thing about this addiction: it seems impossible to make the decision to quit while you're actively using nicotine. I told myself for the entire time I was dipping that I would quit tomorrow, or at least within a week, but just not today. If you haven't quit already, I suggest that you start today, right now, as you read this post. Spit out the dip and get to quitting.

It seems like you've already got it, but let me emphasize: you can not try to quit as you said you did several times: you actually have to make a 100% commitment to stay quit today, and then focus on managing the symptoms of withdrawal and cravings. When tomorrow gets here, focus on staying quit for that day. Roll call is our way of formalizing our commitment to stay quit for today - it is our promise to a group of quitters who are going through the exact same thing: 'I will not use nicotine today'.

Here are a few links to get you started:

Roll call - why we do it
How to post roll call
The December-09 Quit Group - if you quit today, this is your group.
What to expect when you quit dipping - this will give you sort of a road map of what to expect. I found it remarkably accurate.

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2009, 10:42:00 PM »
Quote from: nxrose
Hello All:

I have been dipping for almost a year now. I stupidly used it as a gateway to quit smoking, thinking I would just use dip to get my nicotine fix for a while, then eventually stop. Well, that didn't work out so well. Now, I have decided to once and for all quit this disgusting and dangerous habit. I have tried to quit several times before with no success, but this is it. I am sure this forum will keep me on the ball.

I look forward to speaking with you all.

Welcome to your quit. Stay close post roll EVERY day to make your promise to us that you want to be free of the nic bitch. Go over to December and post today. If you need my # PM me.

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New Quitter
« on: September 20, 2009, 10:21:00 PM »
Hello All:

I have been dipping for almost a year now. I stupidly used it as a gateway to quit smoking, thinking I would just use dip to get my nicotine fix for a while, then eventually stop. Well, that didn't work out so well. Now, I have decided to once and for all quit this disgusting and dangerous habit. I have tried to quit several times before with no success, but this is it. I am sure this forum will keep me on the ball.

I look forward to speaking with you all.
