I am on day 30, and it has been an absolute battle. I quit cold turkey, no replacement, and is has been brutal. I just found this site, and glad that I did. I sill feel like crap, like I'm in a complete fog most days. I thought by now I would have more normalcy, and that I could do it on my own. After a month, I have decided that I needed some help with this. I'm faithful that this fog will lift, and amazed at how much control a substance can have over your life. Every day since I quit, I have had to fight the urge to buy "one more can" and start again tomorrow. Ridiculous. After dipping for 15 years, I quit for 10 years, then made a weak decision a few years ago to buy a can to help get through some tough relationship issues. Since then, I have been a covert dipper, which is an extra level of embarrassment for me. I'm committed to giving it all I have to kick this nasty habit. Thanks for providing this forum to help make this more doable. Appreciate all of you veterans who inspire those of us just getting started on this journey. THANK YOU!!