Author Topic: Into to Texwrestler  (Read 4002 times)

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Re: Into to Texwrestler
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2019, 09:59:50 AM »
Also sir I am holding myself accountable to you also along with my other brothers for my quit. I will show you and not just type it that I am a man of my word and I will be faithful and have integrity. You sir have motivated me, I personally do not like to be or feel like I am having my character or integrity questioned or attacked. Thank you sir for the motivation I know you have been in this quit longer than I and do respect you for that and you holding others amongst yourself accountable. Hope that your day is great

I am glad that you never lost your faith. You went thru something very difficult. What I wanted to do was not question your integrity but get you to see that we will always face difficulties in life. None of them are ever an excuse to use nicotine. You just don't do that anymore.

Length of quit doesn't matter because You and I are one in the same day "today". And I am just one bad decision away from a fresh Day 1 just like you.

I will hold you to this paragraph you wrote and will be watching. If ya need anything just holler.

And a great day to you as well Sir!
 I just PMed you, I do appreciate you and what you were doing again you motivated me and I am glad that you be watching!

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Re: Into to Texwrestler
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2019, 09:53:43 AM »
Also sir I am holding myself accountable to you also along with my other brothers for my quit. I will show you and not just type it that I am a man of my word and I will be faithful and have integrity. You sir have motivated me, I personally do not like to be or feel like I am having my character or integrity questioned or attacked. Thank you sir for the motivation I know you have been in this quit longer than I and do respect you for that and you holding others amongst yourself accountable. Hope that your day is great

I am glad that you never lost your faith. You went thru something very difficult. What I wanted to do was not question your integrity but get you to see that we will always face difficulties in life. None of them are ever an excuse to use nicotine. You just don't do that anymore.

Length of quit doesn't matter because You and I are one in the same day "today". And I am just one bad decision away from a fresh Day 1 just like you.

I will hold you to this paragraph you wrote and will be watching. If ya need anything just holler.

And a great day to you as well Sir!
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Offline texwrestler

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Re: Into to Texwrestler
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2019, 08:27:16 AM »
Also sir I am holding myself accountable to you also along with my other brothers for my quit. I will show you and not just type it that I am a man of my word and I will be faithful and have integrity. You sir have motivated me, I personally do not like to be or feel like I am having my character or integrity questioned or attacked. Thank you sir for the motivation I know you have been in this quit longer than I and do respect you for that and you holding others amongst yourself accountable. Hope that your day is great

Offline texwrestler

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Re: Into to Texwrestler
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2019, 07:59:46 AM »
Sir, No I did not lose my faith in Christ I was typing fast and did not mention it from that point on, should I have probably so, my break was almost over and I finished my intro. I also did not say that I ever lost it or gave up on it or felt that my creator turned his back on me because of difficulty. I just went to the next part of my story to where I caved and went back to dip. Integrity and Character are not just terms or words to me also. I Never turned my back on my faith or my God my family or friends. You have jumped to conclusions by reading a short snippet that was not too detailed but I am guessing should have been more detailed
 Yes life is good now, will it always be that way probably not. Will I have difficulties? Yes! Will I throw away what I believe in because of that? No! Again never gave up or thew away my faith nor will I. I did go through a depression and my faith help see me through. I am faithful, trustworthy and have integrity those are characteristics I hold dear to myself. I will be here everyday I will post my struggles I will support my brothers during  their difficult times, that is how my brothers know I will not turn my back on them.
Since being in here I know and learned that you, or I, am accountable to all the brothers I have promised to quit with. I make roll call every morning and will be a support to those that need it and know if I need it I will have support coming right back to me.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2019, 09:03:26 AM by texwrestler »

Offline RAZD611

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Re: Into to Texwrestler
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2019, 01:19:01 AM »
Hello yall,
I have asked a lot of questions and have had a lot of support since I have committed to quit. My name is Charles and I live in Missouri but I am originally from Texas, I am the son of a Marine and grew up knowing so. My first introduction to dip came from my uncle who is a farmer in the Panhandle of Texas I was about 7 and asked what he was doing and he said dipping and gave me a pinch of Skoal Cherry, he then told me what to do and what not to do while I was dipping (said do not swallow the spit). From that point on every time I went to visit I was dipping whether it was my uncles or my grandpas. As time passed I would do it occasionally with friends and then I found out my dad dipped also. Completely shocked me, he was good at hiding it, I happened to be going through one of his cammies pockets and found a can of Skoal Mint. So from that point on I had a dip everyday, he eventually caught me and basically told me not to get involved with dip but I did anyways. As I entered into Jr. High I found the sport that I would fall in love with and have come to consume my life, pay for my college, and help me get employed: Wrestling.  As I began to wrestle I found out ALOT of wrestlers dipped and so I thought I was in good company, I used it a stress reliever, as a way to lose weight, or what have you. I always had a dip in my mouth. I was about the age of 14 and I continued to do it until the age of 27. At that point I was going through about a can a day and hiding it from my ex wife and my two young kids, I knew that I needed to quit but I struggled to do so. That is when I found my faith and was able to quit and stayed quit for about 10 years, until 2017. It was then I found out my ex wife was cheating on me and it threw everything I knew to be life into a loop. I went through a huge depression, started dipping again in Feb 2017 and have been going through a can a day until 6 days ago. Since that time I have found the love of my life, I have two awesome kids, gained two more awesome kids, and I am here to commit to the quit. I know I have a long ways to go and that I have a lot of battled a head of me. I know I can quit and I will quit. I will not give up or will I give in.

Hey Tex,

That is a great story and that was a really long stoppage (a quit is forever) followed by a cave.  Now that you know that life events will push you back to the can, you need to use this site to its full maximum potential so that when the next life event shows up (and they always do) you will know how to deal with it without shoving a cat turd in your lip.

You're doing great so far.  I've been following your posts in July.  Keep moving forward, exchange digits with your group and some vets too.  I would encourage you to step up in your group and help with Spreadsheet of Accountability and tracking down stragglers to post each day.  It will only strengthen your quit.

My digits are a PM away if you'd like a little more accountability and brotherhood.

Proud to quit with you brother,


So you said you found your faith. Did you lose you faith or did you lose you sense of self and your spirit?

There is a difficult line here.

Have you regained that faith?

Is faith just a term to you that comes and goes like Integrity and Character? Because you make no mention of it in your last paragraph of Life is good now.

How can your brothers trust someone that turned their back on their faith to not turn your back on them at first sign of depression and discomfort?

What are you learning about brotherhood and Integrity since you have been here?
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Re: Into to Texwrestler
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2019, 11:24:00 AM »
Hello yall,
I have asked a lot of questions and have had a lot of support since I have committed to quit. My name is Charles and I live in Missouri but I am originally from Texas, I am the son of a Marine and grew up knowing so. My first introduction to dip came from my uncle who is a farmer in the Panhandle of Texas I was about 7 and asked what he was doing and he said dipping and gave me a pinch of Skoal Cherry, he then told me what to do and what not to do while I was dipping (said do not swallow the spit). From that point on every time I went to visit I was dipping whether it was my uncles or my grandpas. As time passed I would do it occasionally with friends and then I found out my dad dipped also. Completely shocked me, he was good at hiding it, I happened to be going through one of his cammies pockets and found a can of Skoal Mint. So from that point on I had a dip everyday, he eventually caught me and basically told me not to get involved with dip but I did anyways. As I entered into Jr. High I found the sport that I would fall in love with and have come to consume my life, pay for my college, and help me get employed: Wrestling.  As I began to wrestle I found out ALOT of wrestlers dipped and so I thought I was in good company, I used it a stress reliever, as a way to lose weight, or what have you. I always had a dip in my mouth. I was about the age of 14 and I continued to do it until the age of 27. At that point I was going through about a can a day and hiding it from my ex wife and my two young kids, I knew that I needed to quit but I struggled to do so. That is when I found my faith and was able to quit and stayed quit for about 10 years, until 2017. It was then I found out my ex wife was cheating on me and it threw everything I knew to be life into a loop. I went through a huge depression, started dipping again in Feb 2017 and have been going through a can a day until 6 days ago. Since that time I have found the love of my life, I have two awesome kids, gained two more awesome kids, and I am here to commit to the quit. I know I have a long ways to go and that I have a lot of battled a head of me. I know I can quit and I will quit. I will not give up or will I give in.

Hey Tex,

That is a great story and that was a really long stoppage (a quit is forever) followed by a cave.  Now that you know that life events will push you back to the can, you need to use this site to its full maximum potential so that when the next life event shows up (and they always do) you will know how to deal with it without shoving a cat turd in your lip.

You're doing great so far.  I've been following your posts in July.  Keep moving forward, exchange digits with your group and some vets too.  I would encourage you to step up in your group and help with Spreadsheet of Accountability and tracking down stragglers to post each day.  It will only strengthen your quit.

My digits are a PM away if you'd like a little more accountability and brotherhood.

Proud to quit with you brother,

If you want my digits, just ask and they will be yours, but I expect yours in return.

Accountability is a statement of personal promise, both to yourself and to the people around you, to deliver specific defined results.
Brian Dive

Do not be complacent about your achievements and not to strive for continual improvement when you get to the top. As soon as you let success go to your head, you sink into following familiar patterns and play it safe. In other words, you risk losing your edge.
Roy T. Bennett

You need anything, ask.  You feel strong, help.  This quit is for you but we got your back.

Do not let the actions of others determine the direction of YOUR quit.

There are no dumb questions, just dumb people who ask questions.

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Offline texwrestler

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Into to Texwrestler
« on: April 24, 2019, 11:12:29 AM »
Hello yall,
I have asked a lot of questions and have had a lot of support since I have committed to quit. My name is Charles and I live in Missouri but I am originally from Texas, I am the son of a Marine and grew up knowing so. My first introduction to dip came from my uncle who is a farmer in the Panhandle of Texas I was about 7 and asked what he was doing and he said dipping and gave me a pinch of Skoal Cherry, he then told me what to do and what not to do while I was dipping (said do not swallow the spit). From that point on every time I went to visit I was dipping whether it was my uncles or my grandpas. As time passed I would do it occasionally with friends and then I found out my dad dipped also. Completely shocked me, he was good at hiding it, I happened to be going through one of his cammies pockets and found a can of Skoal Mint. So from that point on I had a dip everyday, he eventually caught me and basically told me not to get involved with dip but I did anyways. As I entered into Jr. High I found the sport that I would fall in love with and have come to consume my life, pay for my college, and help me get employed: Wrestling.  As I began to wrestle I found out ALOT of wrestlers dipped and so I thought I was in good company, I used it a stress reliever, as a way to lose weight, or what have you. I always had a dip in my mouth. I was about the age of 14 and I continued to do it until the age of 27. At that point I was going through about a can a day and hiding it from my ex wife and my two young kids, I knew that I needed to quit but I struggled to do so. That is when I found my faith and was able to quit and stayed quit for about 10 years, until 2017. It was then I found out my ex wife was cheating on me and it threw everything I knew to be life into a loop. I went through a huge depression, started dipping again in Feb 2017 and have been going through a can a day until 6 days ago. Since that time I have found the love of my life, I have two awesome kids, gained two more awesome kids, and I am here to commit to the quit. I know I have a long ways to go and that I have a lot of battled a head of me. I know I can quit and I will quit. I will not give up or will I give in.