Author Topic: Day 37 and counting.  (Read 2345 times)

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Offline DocPetey

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Re: Day 37 and counting.
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2019, 10:01:24 AM »
I am on day 55 of quit. is these normal? i have scalding tongue, sore throat from the day of quit. blister comes and go on tongue. My sleep pattern is disturb. i can sleep easily but i wake at 4:30 in morning, no matter when i sleep either its at 10 pm or at 12 am, and when i wake up i am always anxious. anxiety doesn't go way till mid day. i am not on any medication. i do lite exercise every day like walking and jogging on trad mill. 

does any on has these symptoms?

I had a lot of those symptoms especially the anxiety. The mouth seems to heal differently for different people I didn't have any tongue issues but others may have I'm sure. Don't be afraid to get an opinion from a dentist if the blisters aren't healing and going away. Sometimes seeing the dentist is worth the peace of mind.

This would be a great post to through in your group just because there are lot supporters that will see it and respond there.
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Offline quitter419

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Re: Day 37 and counting.
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2019, 09:18:46 AM »
I am on day 55 of quit. is these normal? i have scalding tongue, sore throat from the day of quit. blister comes and go on tongue. My sleep pattern is disturb. i can sleep easily but i wake at 4:30 in morning, no matter when i sleep either its at 10 pm or at 12 am, and when i wake up i am always anxious. anxiety doesn't go way till mid day. i am not on any medication. i do lite exercise every day like walking and jogging on trad mill. 

does any on has these symptoms?

Offline RDB

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Re: Day 37 and counting.
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2019, 09:21:24 AM »
I see you found your quit group, and posted roll. That's great. You found the right group.

One thing I have to correct - this isn't your second quit. Your first try was just a stoppage. A Quit is forever.

Of course I say "forever", but we quit one day at a time. Post your promise in roll, take nicotine off the table for the day, and do the same thing tomorrow, and every tomorrow after.

It's great to have you here.

Offline quitter419

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Day 37 and counting.
« on: May 12, 2019, 02:51:46 PM »

introducing my self. I came across this site, while searching for symptoms after quite. I keep reading articles and forum post for last 5 days. Today decided to create account and be part of community. can you guide, which group to join and how to join the group? so every day morning i can post roll call.

This is my second quit in last 2 year, last time i didn't had any help. This time i want to stick to my resolve and go all the way 100 days HOF (first milestone in long journey to become ex-quitter). I recognize that i needed community help. This time i really want to quit.

This time i have lots of symptoms which i read in last five days. Deep fog, anxiety, depression, even at day 37 i still have cravings. not sure its usual or not. I am getting in control of my triggers. but it seems long road to 100 days, first target in long journey.

Thanks for all the posts and veterans to hung around to help.