Author Topic: 11 days and counting  (Read 2155 times)

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Re: 11 days and counting
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2019, 04:56:33 AM »
Welcome Jersey to the tips.  You got through the hardest part, but don’t get complacent; addiction is a bitch.  Secondly, congrats on the baby; however, do not quit for your wife or the baby; you will fail.  It only works if you quit for you.  Trust me; I’ve tried quitting for my wife and all three of my kids over and over and failed.  This time I quit for me and only me and I’m on day 22 of this journey.

Reach out if you need digits to text/talk.

Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.  If you fail, learn why you failed and try something different!

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Offline DocPetey

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Re: 11 days and counting
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2019, 10:46:54 PM »
Hey guys figured I’d introduce myself. I’ve been on a 2 can a day addiction for 14 years. I have been coming to this site and Have been telling myself I need to quit for about the past 4 months but never actually did it. 11 days ago I woke up with 1 dip left and decided it was my farewell and I was done. My wife and I are expecting our first child in January and I’ve realized it’s about more than myself now. I think this site is so great and you guys have truly inspired me and I hope one day I can be an inspiration to someone as well.
Nice job making it 10 days on your own and getting on roll today. Make sure to come back first thing in the morning. We like to WUPP (wake up piss post) around here to get that promise not to use nicotine in at the start of our day. Then all you have to worry about the rest of the day is keeping your word.

Reach out if you need to and don't be afraid of messing up roll, you'll get it figured out.
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Offline Jersey327

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11 days and counting
« on: June 18, 2019, 10:29:26 PM »
Hey guys figured I’d introduce myself. I’ve been on a 2 can a day addiction for 14 years. I have been coming to this site and Have been telling myself I need to quit for about the past 4 months but never actually did it. 11 days ago I woke up with 1 dip left and decided it was my farewell and I was done. My wife and I are expecting our first child in January and I’ve realized it’s about more than myself now. I think this site is so great and you guys have truly inspired me and I hope one day I can be an inspiration to someone as well.