Author Topic: NEW to KTC - Day 9 QUIT!  (Read 5591 times)

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Offline BigBob68

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Re: NEW to KTC - Day 9 QUIT!
« Reply #24 on: July 17, 2019, 11:20:29 PM »
So I think I screwed up whatever the heck it was that I tried to post in our July quit group. So I’ll probably be stupid also. Regardless, here it is just in case:

So I post that “I am considering only posting once a week” and I am attacked, basically bi-polar (which by the way is a serious fucking condition that shouldn’t be taken lightly), only considering myself, don’t care about anyone except myself, don’t want to help anyone, don’t want to keep my group strong, dumb, can’t spend any time for anyone else, and I’ve opened the door to my cave.

This is brotherhood?

I also posted “if he caves he caves”. Yes I did. The guy didn’t reach out so absolutely, if he he caves he caves. He didn’t want to be helped. And no, I don’t have time for the bullshit. Like all the vets telling us to hang in there when the group is first firmed then continually fucking with us through the first weeks and constantly changing the group name, then the group being chastised for a groupme thing that is set up for us to communicate because it’s not done in the website, then and we’re all entering HOF and vets deciding to rail on is because a dude is missing. No, I did not personally reach out nor notice that he was missing BECAUSE I do only have the time for the 30-60 seconds in the morning when I WUPP unlike everyone else apparently. Sorry, I truly can’t sit and troll through the website and groupme’s for everybody else’s quit group looking for non-posters. It doesn’t mean I don’t care, it doesn’t mean I won’t help. It does mean that a person has to be reasonable enough to reach out to the support that they do have. If you can’t do that then no I don’t have the time for you.

I have texted and posted and groupme’d at different times, I’ve given support and received support and for that I truly appreciative. But do not take my words out of context.

Let me be very clear, I still intend to post every morning (not for any of you but for myself because that’s who this quit is for). As stated in my original post, I am only considering going to a once a week post. CONSIDERING, I haven’t made that choice and may wrestle with it for day, weeks, months or years.

I am not any of the things all of you decided to call me. I’d give the shirt off my back if someone needed it, I’m of sound mind, and I would rather see someone else succeed rather than myself. If that makes me a horrible person then so be it.

What I will say is that after all of the “brotherhood” and “support” shown to me today, if there was ever a time to cave, this would have been it. But you know what? I haven’t and I won’t just to spite all of you fuckers! Maybe I’ll only post once a fucking month after some nice clean nic free living just to prove a point. Who knows, just considering.

Stay strong! Stay quit!
Stay strong! Stay quit!

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Re: NEW to KTC - Day 9 QUIT!
« Reply #23 on: July 16, 2019, 07:19:06 PM »
Day 101, HOF yesterday, the new journey begins today! Weighed in at 304 this morning. Headed for 275 as a first goal and 225 as an end goal.

Thanks to everyone for listening to the rants for the past 3+ months. IQWYT!

Stay strong! Stay quit.

CONGRATS on your HOF Bob.  Keep kicking nics ass!!!
If you want my digits, just ask and they will be yours, but I expect yours in return.

Accountability is a statement of personal promise, both to yourself and to the people around you, to deliver specific defined results.
Brian Dive

Do not be complacent about your achievements and not to strive for continual improvement when you get to the top. As soon as you let success go to your head, you sink into following familiar patterns and play it safe. In other words, you risk losing your edge.
Roy T. Bennett

You need anything, ask.  You feel strong, help.  This quit is for you but we got your back.

Do not let the actions of others determine the direction of YOUR quit.

There are no dumb questions, just dumb people who ask questions.

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Offline BigBob68

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Re: NEW to KTC - Day 9 QUIT!
« Reply #22 on: July 16, 2019, 07:16:17 AM »
Day 101, HOF yesterday, the new journey begins today! Weighed in at 304 this morning. Headed for 275 as a first goal and 225 as an end goal.

Thanks to everyone for listening to the rants for the past 3+ months. IQWYT!

Stay strong! Stay quit.
Stay strong! Stay quit!

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Re: NEW to KTC - Day 9 QUIT!
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2019, 02:22:41 AM »
Keep rocking it, BB68! Glad to be quit with you today and tomorrow and the next day, and then another one and a bunch more after tbat.! One day at a time.
I didn't get a harumph outta that guy!

Offline BigBob68

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Re: NEW to KTC - Day 9 QUIT!
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2019, 08:01:11 AM »
Day 96 today and funny how this quit journey throws one more test at me this weekend. My wife and 1 of my sons is out of town at a baseball tournament until Monday evening so I’ve got the house and myself and my other 2 sons for a number of days in a row. This used to be dip heaven, not anymore!

I actually have no desire whatsoever to dip this weekend even though I’m heading to another baseball tournament for 3 days also. I simply find it ironic that on the last weekend before HOF I am in this situation. Too funny!

Everyone have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see ya on the other side.

Stay strong! Stay quit!
Stay strong! Stay quit!

Offline BigBob68

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Re: NEW to KTC - Day 9 QUIT!
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2019, 06:31:09 PM »
Day eightysomething and here I am again, another weekend of baseball and another weekend without dip. Thank God!

In this eightysomething day journey I seem to be coming to peace with decision to quit. Dipping had become such a part of my life that I didn’t realize how much I depended on it.

I am happy and relaxed about MY quit. I’m not overconfident about it and I was reminded the other morning when I awoke from from a dip dream.

I was dipping and for whatever reason was in the passenger seat of the car with my wife driving. She was asking questions and somehow scooting closer and closer to me while I was talking. She was sniffing my breath!

The dream ended with me falling out of the passenger door of a car while it was moving and her sitting in the passenger seat. Fucking ridiculous.

Regardless, I awoke with no dip in my mouth and completely unscathed from my fall out of the door. Weird is all I can say.

The best 15 or so days should be interesting. I was in a cold sweat because I thought I had a dip in when I woke up. Just stupid crazy. I have this and I know it. Nic bitch is most definitely beat but she continues to play with my head. Amazing how deeply routed she can be. 


Stay strong! Stay quit! 
Stay strong! Stay quit!

Offline RAZD611

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Re: NEW to KTC - Day 9 QUIT!
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2019, 12:28:47 PM »
word of wisdom. Keep putting one foot in front of the other.
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Offline BigBob68

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Re: NEW to KTC - Day 9 QUIT!
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2019, 08:32:07 AM »
Well it’s Day 68! I did not post anything on Day 60 as planned but then today rolled around and I thought I had to at least say hello. IQWYT!

I’m still rollin, an occasional crave but no thoughts of a cave and I still find it funny when I go into a gas station and DO NOT buy a can (I’m literally laughing all the way to the bank and at how foolish I was for all those years).

No great words of wisdom just rollin through what I believe to be the dog days of quit (roughly 50-80 or so). Just kind of ho um right now but my guard is always up.

Keep rollin people!

Stay strong! Stay quit!
Stay strong! Stay quit!

Offline Gunnar

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Re: Change of Subject, Quit Journey
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2019, 07:35:53 PM »
DAY 40! Nothing compared to most every other quitter on this page but those were/are my 40 days!!!

Everyone please understand - IQWYT!

Feeling good, not as much of a bastard towards most everyone I know, inside of my mouth does not hurt any longer, tips of my fingers aren't stained a yellowish brown, no spitters randomly placed throughout my office and truck, no stray cans to be found anywhere, about $500 extra dollars in my pocket, bowel movements regulated, sleeping like a rock, etc.  What a dumb ass I was for 30 years!

ANYBODY trolling this site and just reading random posts and thinking about quitting, GET OFF YOUR ASS, toss whatever dirt/pouch/leaf/vape/smoke/cigar you have left, grow a pair and fucking be done with it! Quit now and retake your life back. You will be a better person for it in the long run.

For those of us that have already made the decision - Stay strong! Stay quit!

The first 40 is the hardest 40.  You’re doing awesome.  Stay quit my brother.


Offline BigBob68

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Change of Subject, Quit Journey
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2019, 09:20:01 AM »
DAY 40! Nothing compared to most every other quitter on this page but those were/are my 40 days!!!

Everyone please understand - IQWYT!

Feeling good, not as much of a bastard towards most everyone I know, inside of my mouth does not hurt any longer, tips of my fingers aren't stained a yellowish brown, no spitters randomly placed throughout my office and truck, no stray cans to be found anywhere, about $500 extra dollars in my pocket, bowel movements regulated, sleeping like a rock, etc.  What a dumb ass I was for 30 years!

ANYBODY trolling this site and just reading random posts and thinking about quitting, GET OFF YOUR ASS, toss whatever dirt/pouch/leaf/vape/smoke/cigar you have left, grow a pair and fucking be done with it! Quit now and retake your life back. You will be a better person for it in the long run.

For those of us that have already made the decision - Stay strong! Stay quit!
Stay strong! Stay quit!

Offline Dagranger

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Re: NEW to KTC - Day 9 QUIT!
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2019, 09:04:54 PM »
Congrats BigBob, day 20 is no joke.   One word of caution, the craves won’t stop for a long while.   So buckle down and keep doing what got you to 20 days.  Post roll, grind, sleep, repeat.  Keep on truckin’!

Offline Gunnar

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« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2019, 09:52:14 PM »
Day 20 all! Kick ass! Yeah for me! 1/5 of the way to HOF!

Whatever, WUPP. Rolling through the days and feeling fairly decent aside from the occasional haziness. I’ve had a dream or two, my bones have aches, I’ve been a real son of a bitch at times and yet still rolling. I’ve picked up a few pounds but hell, with the money I’ve already saved I SHOULD eat a little more. I’ll soon redirect the saved money to making the payments on my oldest sons car.

I do think of "the bear" quite a bit as I make my way to work, as I sit behind my desk, as I drive home from work, as I chauffeur kids around every night, as I hang out with buddies as their packing one, as everyone is going to bed and I’m thinking "finally, some quiet time". Then I think of the daily promise made to everyone and myself. And an argument can be made that the promise to the brother/sisterhood is more important than the promise to myself because then I recall all the other promises to myself that have been broken.

So yeah, Happy fucking day 20 to me! Here’s to the next 20! I’m not in uncharted territory yet but I will be soon. I recall the the little voice from before saying "just a small one, you’ve done so good, you deserve it, you can stop anytime, go ahead do it, no big deal". Yeah right, it’s almost been an annual thing with me. Well no more, happy fucking day 20! Bring on the next 20 because I’ll be kicking "the bears" ass all the way from now until then. That’s a promise to all of KTC and myself.

Proud to quit with every one of you yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever.

Stay strong! Stay quit!

You got this. And if you want digits they are a PM away.

Gunnar - 78

Offline BigBob68

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« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2019, 08:07:05 AM »
Day 20 all! Kick ass! Yeah for me! 1/5 of the way to HOF!

Whatever, WUPP. Rolling through the days and feeling fairly decent aside from the occasional haziness. I’ve had a dream or two, my bones have aches, I’ve been a real son of a bitch at times and yet still rolling. I’ve picked up a few pounds but hell, with the money I’ve already saved I SHOULD eat a little more. I’ll soon redirect the saved money to making the payments on my oldest sons car.

I do think of "the bear" quite a bit as I make my way to work, as I sit behind my desk, as I drive home from work, as I chauffeur kids around every night, as I hang out with buddies as their packing one, as everyone is going to bed and I’m thinking "finally, some quiet time". Then I think of the daily promise made to everyone and myself. And an argument can be made that the promise to the brother/sisterhood is more important than the promise to myself because then I recall all the other promises to myself that have been broken.

So yeah, Happy fucking day 20 to me! Here’s to the next 20! I’m not in uncharted territory yet but I will be soon. I recall the the little voice from before saying "just a small one, you’ve done so good, you deserve it, you can stop anytime, go ahead do it, no big deal". Yeah right, it’s almost been an annual thing with me. Well no more, happy fucking day 20! Bring on the next 20 because I’ll be kicking "the bears" ass all the way from now until then. That’s a promise to all of KTC and myself.

Proud to quit with every one of you yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever.

Stay strong! Stay quit!
Stay strong! Stay quit!

Offline RAZD611

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Re: NEW to KTC - Day 9 QUIT!
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2019, 01:05:58 AM »
MIDDAY 17 and really nothing has been accomplished in the office thus far. I thought I was coming out of the haziness but here I am, posting on my intro and reading everything I can find on the website.  It all helps and I realize exactly what I'm doing so I am thankful to have been and continue to be QUIT for these past 16.5 days.  I'm looking forward to being quit the remainder of today, tomorrow, the next day and day after.....

I just did something completely unconsciously, I reached behind my laptop's screen for what used to be my spitter - whatever empty 20 oz bottle I had drank on the way in in the morning. I laughed at myself and the can and thought, "Thank god there's not one there"! 

Funny thing is that I picked up a new to me vehicle in January that has a push button ignition and when I turn it off I'm still reaching onto the steering column for the keys.  3 months and I'm still learning to turn my truck off. How long until I stop reaching for the once ever present spitter that was around for the last 30 years?

Stay strong! Stay quit!

I cant count the times I dug in my pocket looking for that can.
It gets better!!!
Never Again For Any Reason

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Offline BigBob68

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Re: NEW to KTC - Day 9 QUIT!
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2019, 01:45:29 PM »
MIDDAY 17 and really nothing has been accomplished in the office thus far. I thought I was coming out of the haziness but here I am, posting on my intro and reading everything I can find on the website.  It all helps and I realize exactly what I'm doing so I am thankful to have been and continue to be QUIT for these past 16.5 days.  I'm looking forward to being quit the remainder of today, tomorrow, the next day and day after.....

I just did something completely unconsciously, I reached behind my laptop's screen for what used to be my spitter - whatever empty 20 oz bottle I had drank on the way in in the morning. I laughed at myself and the can and thought, "Thank god there's not one there"! 

Funny thing is that I picked up a new to me vehicle in January that has a push button ignition and when I turn it off I'm still reaching onto the steering column for the keys.  3 months and I'm still learning to turn my truck off. How long until I stop reaching for the once ever present spitter that was around for the last 30 years?

Stay strong! Stay quit!
Stay strong! Stay quit!