Author Topic: Confessions of TheUndertaker  (Read 3845 times)

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Re: Confessions of TheUndertaker
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2019, 04:54:25 PM »
This is absolutely awesome stuff @TheUndertaker .  I am damn proud to be quit with you today sir!  I am also glad you are in my Jan 20 quit group. 
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Re: Confessions of TheUndertaker
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2019, 03:09:38 PM »
Sixstring was right. That was not too late.
I still want to see you choke slamming the nic bitch through the top of the steel cage.
There is nothing wrong with being elitist when you're the best. I'm doing what was once impossible, so yeah, I'm the shit. So are you.
Thank you
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Re: Confessions of TheUndertaker
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2019, 02:56:32 PM »
That's HOF speech material right there! Hooah! Bring it! waiting for the next installment of a day in the life of your quit!
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Offline TheUndertaker

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Confessions of TheUndertaker
« on: December 06, 2019, 01:19:32 PM »
Confessions of TheUndertaker: A Collection of Thoughts, Wisdom, Stupidity, and Discovered Quit Gold of KTC

Not sure why it has taken me so long to post an "introduction". I have set out to write this for about a week now, but really didn't know what to say. I asked one of my quit brothers (SixString) if it was even too late to start one. Honestly, I kind of felt behind the curve. I've been extremely active in my group and others and on Live Chat. This introduction thing may have been subconsciously, My last addict stronghold. I am not a psychologist, but it's possible! To that I say, "Screw that! There is NO SAFE HARBOR for you here!"

SixString suggested that I treat this like a personal quit journal and that it's never too late. So my intent moving forward after today is to deposit HERE exactly what is within the title: A Collection of Thoughts, Wisdom, Stupidity, and Discovered Quit Gold of KTC. Much of what I'll post in the future may not be original to me, but little golden nuggets that I have come across reading throughout the groups and articles of KTC! With this I am going to 'Dig My Quit Hole' just a little bit deeper ; ) I hope you all enjoy, and I am proud to quit with each and every one of you! ODAAT- THIS MOMENT, THIS SECOND, THIS DAY.

So without further a due....

My name is Brandon and I am an addict! I used to laugh at that statement when I heard movie and tv show characters say that line. I used to find it a bit cheesy, BUT, It is true! Once you own that statement and equate that to your quit- miraculous things begin to happen. You are no longer playing the victim, but recognizing that you played the primary role in the habit that has now consumed you (or me, I own this too).

Fun Facts about me:
 :) I am 35 years old and My KTC username is not a reference to my love of wrestling, but to my profession. I am your friendly, neighborhood undertaker. I'm an open book, if you have questions, ASK!
 :) I am originally from Kentucky, Reside in Georgia, and have lived in many places.
 :) I have an amazing wife and 4 beautiful children at home. My quit, however, is not for them. I'm a little bit selfish in that respect. My quit is for me. For me to be there for them. For me to not have to see the look of disappointment/ disgust from my wife as another one of my kids tries to drink from "daddy's" drink. For me to provide better for them. For me to love them better and NOT be thinking about my next dip. For me to see them grow into who God created them and meant for them to be. For me to live to see my grandchildren and the legacy that I will leave behind. For me to (____) fill in the blank, you get the idea.
 :) I am a re-tread on this site! I found KTC in 2014, joined, and bailed after 1 or 2 roll calls. I caved a short-time later trying to be a lone-ranger. I came back because I needed this site. I needed people to call me out on my BS Addict Behavior! Was it tough to come back with my tail between my legs and take a bite of that humble-pie? Absolutely- No Question!Was it worth it to take a bit of flack from the vets? Absolutely, Why shouldn't I? They stayed the course- I didn't. As of this writing, I am celebrating 50 Days of FREEDOM! But, I am not special. I am just like you. The message is preached every day here on KTC, It works so drink the damn Kool-Aid! 1) Post that promise first thing when you wake up 2) KEEP YOUR PROMISE- NO HOLDS BARRED! Post frustrations here or in Chat. Safety Net yourself by swapping digits with fellow quitters, They will be your lifeline. BEFORE you cave, you better Call, Text, or Send Friggin' Smoke Signals 3) Rinse and Repeat. One Day, One Moment, at a time! Something amazing happens, those days accumulate and add up- Imagine that! It is really that simple! It's easy to do, but it's also easy not to do. However, The choice is yours and yours alone! I can't quit for you, but I'll be proud to quit with you.
 :) I enlisted in the Army following the events of September 11, 2001 at the age of 17. My nearly eight year military career led to overseas assignments in Korea (1 yr.) and Iraq (14 mo.) and various stateside assignments. Lot's of great stories, memories, and experiences and naturally, some not so great. To any of my fellow Vets: I've got your six and am here for you.
 :) I desperately would like to be the Mister Rogers of KTC. I may don a red cardigan and gently console quitters on here with a Mister Rogers mantra of quit like “do your best, the best is the best for you”. But, that's not me and KTC is not that kind of site. I personally would drop that kind of group. It lacks heart and passion. I'd much rather Spartan Kick Nicotine in the chest! Maybe, I am a little zealous. Elitist? Perhaps. I equate my quit more akin to the words of Yoda, “Do or Do Not-There is NO Try!”

So yeah, that's it for now. Have I dug my quit hole deep enough, yet? Who cares! I am in it- to WIN it! The question is: Are You?
Husband & Father of 4. OIF Army Veteran.

If you want digits, feel free to ask- Just know I expect yours in return. I am in it to win it- Are you?