Author Topic: Sand44’s introduction  (Read 15742 times)

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Re: Sand44’s introduction
« Reply #20 on: January 01, 2020, 08:27:39 AM »
@Sand44  Thank you for all your hard work on KTC 


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Re: Sand44’s introduction
« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2019, 03:51:56 PM »
Hey @Sand44 .  Been hearing things...none of my business.  I did want to thank you for your guidance and inspiration over the past 169 days.  When I see your name at the top of the box, I take heed and pay attention knowing that I'm about to learn something that is going to make my quit more successful.  Thank you for all of your help.
PTBQWYT my friend

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Re: Sand44’s introduction
« Reply #18 on: December 28, 2019, 01:01:59 PM »
438 days

I’d like to take this opportunity to apologize....

To absolutely nobody!!!!  'fuz'

Yesterday I posted roll and kept that promise. Today will be much of the same.  This concept really does work, no matter what parts you agree and disagree with.

There’s a couple sayings around here...

“Take what YOU need and leave the rest..”

“Post roll. Repeat. Everything else is just noise”

I really relate with those two quotes lately. This time last year, I needed that noise as a distraction from constant nicotine craves. Now? Not so much. I just need to be on roll for now... and I think that’s just fine.

Not sure who's asking for you to apologize for anything, but whoever it is, here is my message to them in sign language :sap: :fbmiddle:  fuckyea~

It's my humble belief that just posting roll call is a recipe for eventual disaster. It'll work for a while, sometimes a long while, but eventually you'll get sucked down. The thing about addicts is that they never really know what works for them. Hell, for a long time, we thought nicotine worked wonders for us. Quitting is like wrestling a bear...never lose the initiative and never let it get on top of you.

By all means, when the noise is negatively affecting your quit, take some R&R. But contained in that noise is the wisdom we can't get anywhere else. The last thing I want to read is a series of endless roll posts after roll posts. That would be hell. Take some time off, but I hope to be swinging a Battlehammer with you soon. 

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Re: Sand44’s introduction
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2019, 08:44:35 AM »
438 days

I’d like to take this opportunity to apologize....

To absolutely nobody!!!!  'fuz'

Yesterday I posted roll and kept that promise. Today will be much of the same.  This concept really does work, no matter what parts you agree and disagree with.

There’s a couple sayings around here...

“Take what YOU need and leave the rest..”

“Post roll. Repeat. Everything else is just noise”

I really relate with those two quotes lately. This time last year, I needed that noise as a distraction from constant nicotine craves. Now? Not so much. I just need to be on roll for now... and I think that’s just fine.


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Re: Sand44’s late introduction
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2019, 03:38:10 PM »
Day 365

I’ve been quit for a freaking year! Or is that tomorrow? Ohwell screw it.

A year!!!!

I can’t even describe how much better life is without dipping. Craves are just.. rare now. I leaned on Smokey mountain pretty heavily throughout my quit.. and now I’m maybe using it once a a ritual more than anything.

Total amount saved on chew so far? $4380. Hmmm..That would buy a pretty nice set of golf clubs...

Man it’s great to be quit.

 I’d also like to use this post to grab the attention of any visitors that may be reading right now:

Hey dickhead.. throw that crap out of your mouth... grab your can .. put it in the microwave (about 5 minutes on high should do) ... and QUIT.  Let’s do this!!!!!! ... I was you a year ago.. this is possible!!! Quit making excuses! Sign up, and post your day 1 in January 2020....and maybe go buy a new microwave after...


Today is your anniversary. Holy shit. One. Fucking. Year. Quit.

Feels great, doesn't it?

Keep kicking ass. Don't get complacent. Don't burn out. You'll have more challenges over the next year of your quit, but it will continue to get better.

Proud AF to quit with you!
... "If you want to be quit you need the help of others. To stay quit you need to help others quit." - walterwhite .......... My HOF Speech .......... Day One 9/29/17 ... HOF 1/6/18 ... 2nd Floor 4/16/18 ... 3rd Floor 7/25/18 ... 1st Lap 9/28/18 ... 4th Floor 11/2/18 ... 1/2 Comma 2/10/19 ... 6th Floor 5/21/19 ... 7th Floor 8/29/19 ... 2nd Lap 9/29/19 ... 8th Floor 12/7/19 ... Now accepting applications for F.U.R.Y. Council 2.0 - text for details ...

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Re: Sand44’s late introduction
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2019, 11:56:35 AM »
Day 365

I’ve been quit for a freaking year! Or is that tomorrow? Ohwell screw it.

A year!!!!

I can’t even describe how much better life is without dipping. Craves are just.. rare now. I leaned on Smokey mountain pretty heavily throughout my quit.. and now I’m maybe using it once a a ritual more than anything.

Total amount saved on chew so far? $4380. Hmmm..That would buy a pretty nice set of golf clubs...

Man it’s great to be quit.

 I’d also like to use this post to grab the attention of any visitors that may be reading right now:

Hey dickhead.. throw that crap out of your mouth... grab your can .. put it in the microwave (about 5 minutes on high should do) ... and QUIT.  Let’s do this!!!!!! ... I was you a year ago.. this is possible!!! Quit making excuses! Sign up, and post your day 1 in January 2020....and maybe go buy a new microwave after...


Offline Sand44

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Re: Sand44’s late introduction
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2019, 11:23:19 AM »
Day 276

Well I’ll be damned..

I don’t want to jinx it but I think the worst part of my quit might be over. This whole week I’ve hardly had a craving.. man does that feel good.. it’s almost like a buzz all on its own knowing that I have no desire for a dip, and that my Smokey mountain use has dwindled. I bought a can of it a week ago and it’s still pretty much full.

I’m sure there’s still some rough patches ahead.. but the KTC vets really weren’t joking when they kept telling me how much better it gets.

Glad I’ve stuck with it. See you all on roll tomorrow.

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Re: Sand44’s late introduction
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2019, 05:15:49 PM »
Day 268

...not a milestone or anything.. I’m just in the mood for an intro update. 

I was kind of down in the dumps in my last update, and I’m happy to report that I’m doing 100% is fucking awesome. I remember Leonidas said somewhere that the 200’s were the worst part of his quit for him... hopefully the same holds true for myself as well.

My group had 3 guys leave in the span of a week (no more vacations allowed for Keith0617 apparently...) what a shit show that was... (July 1st for future reference). 2 were complacent and cured.. the other caved. I still can’t get over the caver’s words to a bunch of nicotine addicts ...”wouldn’t recommend it.. but it was so so worth it”. Man.. those words have stuck with me. I don’t know why.. Good thing I made my promise this morning.

I’m now officially retired as a HoF conductor. What a great experience.. lots of ups and downs.. but I’d do it all over again.  SRains and Skol made working on March’s 2nd floor celebration a blast, and I’m honoured to of had a chance to work with them. It also seems like most of the Marchmen enjoyed it as well.. which is what counts the most.

I was just saying to someone yesterday that I think I’m going to take a step back from KTC and just post and ghost for a while.. that lasted a whole day..I saw someone try and fail to quit dipping on Reddit, and I felt that he just needed to be pointed in this direction... he just posted roll in October about an hour ago, and what do ya know? I’m pulled right back into the mix.

Thanks for reading this gibberish.
Sand44 - 268 and QLF

You sir are awesome, way to pay it forward my brother... do what you need to do but understand this place is better with you helping out!!!  Many more to save!!
Be humble... grow everyday.

I fear I will always be chasing the vortex like a drug. None will be as special as my first hit.


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Re: Sand44’s late introduction
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2019, 04:12:07 PM »
Day 268

...not a milestone or anything.. I’m just in the mood for an intro update. 

I was kind of down in the dumps in my last update, and I’m happy to report that I’m doing 100% is fucking awesome. I remember Leonidas said somewhere that the 200’s were the worst part of his quit for him... hopefully the same holds true for myself as well.

My group had 3 guys leave in the span of a week (no more vacations allowed for Keith0617 apparently...) what a shit show that was... (July 1st for future reference). 2 were complacent and cured.. the other caved. I still can’t get over the caver’s words to a bunch of nicotine addicts ...”wouldn’t recommend it.. but it was so so worth it”. Man.. those words have stuck with me. I don’t know why.. Good thing I made my promise this morning.

I’m now officially retired as a HoF conductor. What a great experience.. lots of ups and downs.. but I’d do it all over again.  SRains and Skol made working on March’s 2nd floor celebration a blast, and I’m honoured to of had a chance to work with them. It also seems like most of the Marchmen enjoyed it as well.. which is what counts the most.

I was just saying to someone yesterday that I think I’m going to take a step back from KTC and just post and ghost for a while.. that lasted a whole day..I saw someone try and fail to quit dipping on Reddit, and I felt that he just needed to be pointed in this direction... he just posted roll in October about an hour ago, and what do ya know? I’m pulled right back into the mix.

Thanks for reading this gibberish.
Sand44 - 268 and QLF

« Last Edit: July 11, 2019, 04:24:13 PM by Sand44 »

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Re: Sand44’s late introduction
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2019, 02:06:51 PM »
Sorry to my texting people I haven’t answered lately.. switching phones and having some issues.

Should be good to go by Monday though!

Too bad you aren't good with technology!!!

Well get back with it man.  You're a major inspiration to me and lots of others.  Keep rockin that quit!

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Re: Sand44’s late introduction
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2019, 01:46:33 PM »
Sorry to my texting people I haven’t answered lately.. switching phones and having some issues.

Should be good to go by Monday though!

Too bad you aren't good with technology!!!

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Re: Sand44’s late introduction
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2019, 12:22:36 PM »
Sorry to my texting people I haven’t answered lately.. switching phones and having some issues.

Should be good to go by Monday though!

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Re: Sand44’s late introduction
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2019, 03:36:52 PM »
219 days. Perfect time for an intro update.

A lot has happened since my last update at 145.. my group hasn’t lost anyone this time... welllll... except my co conductor, Jamesp .. who got banned. Still don’t understand your thought process on that one, and still waiting on that reply from you “brother”....Sure glad some badasses have stepped up to help my lonely ass out with March’s 2nd floor celebration! Thanks fellas.

Moving on..

Craves have been there.. especially this week. I don’t think I’m quite where I need to be yet to get rid of the Smokey mountain. I’m about a can a week with it now, but I’ve learned to not be ashamed of it and keep it on hand. Maybe I’ll have a look at it around 300+ days and see if I need to slow down on it.

Ive got one major hurdle to conquer this summer that I’ve explained to a KTC vet who I’ve come to call a great friend. Never even met the guy but he’s been giving me advice since I first came here, and this time was no different as he set my ass straight with absolutely no judgement.  Thanks man.  I need to look back on this section of this post in a few months through the eyes of a successful dad.

KTC is a wonderful place.

« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 03:52:17 PM by Sand44 »

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Re: Sand44’s late introduction
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2019, 06:05:38 PM »
Well it’s been a little while since I’ve done an update... or an update at all but here goes!

I’ve made my promise to be nicotine free for 146 straight days now. Day 145 and 146 have been the toughest to keep so far. Craves have been horrible, maybe I’m in a funk, maybe it’s because I just spent a couple days in the hospital, I don’t know... What I do know is that I have some badass people to lean on here to help me get through that shit.

About 2 weeks ago, we had a fellow brother leave us in January ‘19. Sent us some big long spiel about how posting roll doesn’t do anything for him anymore, wished us good luck and away he went, along with our 68 day 100% streak. The streaks not important but it shows you how much of a shit he gave about the rest of us.  I hope your not having as bad of craves as I am, Jordan, because for myself, I know damn well if I didn’t make my promise this morning/have the people to lean on that I do, I would be half way through a can of Copenhagen right now.

Okay time to cheer up a bit...

I had my beautiful daughter on Feb 5/19!  She’s my whole world now and may already have me wrapped around her finger..

On Feb 15th, MikeW2018 called me to see if I’d be interested in being a HoF Train Conductor for the March group. I wasn’t quite sure what to think at first, then he told me Jamesp already accepted and I started envisioning the hilarious possibilities of that guy’s smartass mouth, so I accepted. We’ve been working pretty hard on it, and we’re just starting to turn the corner toward completion! And it’s been a blast!  The one writeup he submitted yesterday almost had me in tears from laughing... this March group is awesome, and I really like what I’m seeing.

I don’t know what the hell else to talk about but maybe I’ll give another update in a couple months... this shit is seriously therapeutic... craves are gone..

This shit is gold dude.  Thank you for sharing.
If you want my digits, just ask and they will be yours, but I expect yours in return.

Accountability is a statement of personal promise, both to yourself and to the people around you, to deliver specific defined results.
Brian Dive

Do not be complacent about your achievements and not to strive for continual improvement when you get to the top. As soon as you let success go to your head, you sink into following familiar patterns and play it safe. In other words, you risk losing your edge.
Roy T. Bennett

You need anything, ask.  You feel strong, help.  This quit is for you but we got your back.

Do not let the actions of others determine the direction of YOUR quit.

There are no dumb questions, just dumb people who ask questions.

My Intro

My HOF Speech

My Comma Club Speech

Offline Sand44

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Re: Sand44’s late introduction
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2019, 11:44:44 AM »
Well it’s been a little while since I’ve done an update... or an update at all but here goes!

I’ve made my promise to be nicotine free for 146 straight days now. Day 145 and 146 have been the toughest to keep so far. Craves have been horrible, maybe I’m in a funk, maybe it’s because I just spent a couple days in the hospital, I don’t know... What I do know is that I have some badass people to lean on here to help me get through that shit.

About 2 weeks ago, we had a fellow brother leave us in January ‘19. Sent us some big long spiel about how posting roll doesn’t do anything for him anymore, wished us good luck and away he went, along with our 68 day 100% streak. The streaks not important but it shows you how much of a shit he gave about the rest of us.  I hope your not having as bad of craves as I am, Jordan, because for myself, I know damn well if I didn’t make my promise this morning/have the people to lean on that I do, I would be half way through a can of Copenhagen right now.

Okay time to cheer up a bit...

I had my beautiful daughter on Feb 5/19!  She’s my whole world now and may already have me wrapped around her finger..

On Feb 15th, MikeW2018 called me to see if I’d be interested in being a HoF Train Conductor for the March group. I wasn’t quite sure what to think at first, then he told me Jamesp already accepted and I started envisioning the hilarious possibilities of that guy’s smartass mouth, so I accepted. We’ve been working pretty hard on it, and we’re just starting to turn the corner toward completion! And it’s been a blast!  The one writeup he submitted yesterday almost had me in tears from laughing... this March group is awesome, and I really like what I’m seeing.

I don’t know what the hell else to talk about but maybe I’ll give another update in a couple months... this shit is seriously therapeutic... craves are gone..