@WishedIQuitSooner How goes it brother? Doesn't look to me like you are posting roll? Are you still quit? 35 years is a long time to use. Posting roll, joining a quit group, developing relationships here will go a long way to ensure a successful quit. If you used for 35 years, you've tried to stop before. What makes you think this time will be different? Even the health scare will dull over time... the nic bitch is sneaky; she will convince you of whatever it takes to get you to fill that lip with worm dirt again. Do yourself a favor...an insurance policy of sorts. Doesn't cost a thing. Post roll first thing in the morning, do whatever it takes to keep that shit out of your mug for the day, repeat. Developing relationships with other quitters, supporting new quitters, getting involved with the site only strengthens your quit...althugh not mandatory. Please reach out if I can help in any way. If you like, read my intro...anxiety has been one of my biggest challenges. Good luck my friend.