Health wise honestly I feel great. My mouth just feels cleaner 24/7. I’m back to working out everyday. I’m eating cleaner. I’ve lost 6lbs! Not sure if it was mental or what. I was lazy when I was dipping all day, I feel way more energized. Any day without dip is better than with it!
Hi Rob... great post!
As time goes by, you will see that nicotine really only did one thing... take. It takes your time. Your health. Your relationships. Your freedom.
You are beginning to see the truth. Time that you spent feeding your addiction, you can now spend building relationships with your family. Enjoying life. Feeling the ups and downs that life has - like a roller coaster - instead of using nicotine to escape. You can use that time to run, or workout, or have crazy wild sweaty sex (CARDIO!) There are so many benefits, and it is great to see that you are starting to feel them.
Use this intro to journal your path to freedom - it is great to come back and see what a wreck things were.... and where things are.
One more thing, be extra vigilant for a while about friends who dip, and alcohol. You are building your tools up, but need to watch your back for a while longer. This path gets a whole lot easier - just keep posting EVERY day, and you'll keep winning.
Honored to quit with you today, sir.