Author Topic: * It all started with a trip to the dentist...  (Read 2520 times)

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Offline redsoxfanatic

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* It all started with a trip to the dentist...
« on: October 23, 2007, 02:05:00 PM »
It all started with a trip to the dentistÂ…

I had told myself several times that I needed to quit my dirty secret habit, but that little voice always said, “One more won’t hurt. You can quit next week…” I had delayed trips to the dentist for close to 5 years with this logic, telling myself I would go after I quit. After months of nagging from my wife, I decided to go, even though I was still dipping.

It was those 30 minutes on the morning of July 5 that changed my outlook permanently. The dentist was concerned enough about the condition of my mouth to take a brush biopsy on the spot. Needless to say I went from being invincible to seeing my life flash before my eyes. I decided I was done that day. But only then did I know what kind of hold the nic bitch had on me! I tried to quit that Thursday, then Friday, then again on Saturday. By Sunday, July 8th, I knew I needed more than just the dentist biopsy hanging over my head. That evening I got online and found the Killthecan and signed roll for the first time on Monday, July 9.

The site has been the reason my quit was successful. The notes from chewie and Franpro in those first few days were instrumental to my resolve. Through the sweats, the insomnia, the sores, the cancer fearsÂ…brothers/sisters on the site who have been there before have provided insight and support. When my biopsy came back negative, the first place I visited was the site to announce my victory!! I will be forever grateful to those who have provided words of encouragement and a swift kick in the ass when the going got rough these past 3 months: Elric, chewie, Franpro, that bastard loot, all the other vets who ventured into the madness of October 07 and kept us in line, and particularly those in my class. Jeep, KTB, jj, chh, and the rest of the gang. We kept each other accountable and went looking for those who went astray.

I canÂ’t say there arenÂ’t times when I still feel the cravings, but I can now say for certain that I will never go back. I owe my life and health to the site and will NEVER betray those who have provided the support. God bless all who have made the site what it is and thank you for giving me my life back!

Go Sox!

redsoxfanatic (Jarad)