Author Topic: * Quit being a dumbass and quit today  (Read 2054 times)

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Offline montywa

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* Quit being a dumbass and quit today
« on: August 03, 2008, 06:10:00 PM »
Well here i am, 106 days quit and the rest of my life to go. I am not much of a speech writer but bare with me.

The last year has been a very difficult one for me in my personal life, i wont go into details here but i have never endured anything this difficult in my 31 years. With all the bullshit i was going through i decided to make some changes in my life and the biggest one was the decision to quit chewing. I had been dipping for 15 years and had never actualy tried to quit before. I googled "quit chewing" and KTC popped up. I checked it out and left, i wasnt ready to quit at that time, i knew that if i was going to quit i needed to be serious about it, this isnt some
half-ass thing you try, you either quit or dont. I was sitting at work on sunday april 20th and my lip felt like a top fuel dragster had been doing burnouts on it.
And i remembered that KTC site i had looked at in september, so i log on, post some shit up and dump my can in the trash. And the rest is history.

You see alot of people on here say that quitting is difficult, hard, tough, ect. I agree but i believe my method of quitting allowed me an easier time than others and i feel that this can work for anyone. I focused all my energy into staying quit, i put aside everything else in my life, I got on the site everynight and every day when i had spare time, i became a KTC junkie. These people here want me to stay quit, they all give a fuck, they care about me. And every quitter here will do the same for anyone. If you want to have a succesful quit you need to get involved, post roll everyday no matter what, log into chat when you can, say hi, get a few phone numbers and give em a call, its that easy. If you allow us to help you we will.

I want to thank all of the people who keep KTC up and running, i owe you my life as far as i am concerned. Squeaky, you were the first person to say hello to me when i started my quit, that really ment alot to me, i couldnt believe someone i never met was supporting me. Jpine, you invited me into chat on day 2, the rest is chat hijink history, not to mention my newly aquired BBQ skills thanks to you. Skoaldaddy, thanks for all of the moral support, i appreciate it. Brent, your phone calls mean more than I let on, you call me anytime bud. MNS, thanks for listening to all of my stories and hanging out in chat with me at night, your the reason my garbage can is full of empty beer's though. Ready, your a good quitter and thanks for all of the support. Timmay, QT, Nocope, Sigma, FAL, Mule, Txcowboy, CH, and all the rest of the Chat gang, thank you for hanging out with me.

Quit date 4/20/2008

"now you can have your phone and eat it 2 hahahaha ill call for pizza i'll my cat!!! omg rockin song! "