Author Topic: * Offshore Man  (Read 2039 times)

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Offline Offshore Man

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* Offshore Man
« on: March 21, 2017, 12:45:00 PM »
This is very late as I am 139 days into my quite. The reason for my late effort is a bit of just plain old feeling sorry for myself and not taking the time. I can go through all the bullshit reason why I think my quite was tough. The thing is, it is for everyone. I remeber after the first week I was skating and not having as many issues as others and seeing all the drama from the roll during that time. I tell ya I am paying for that time now. My cravings have been bad I am stuck using smoky M to get through some days. I am lucky I quite with the group I did. And I am truly thankfull to them and KTC. The Cult is awesome!!

I read everyone's in Febuary 17 HOF speeches, so many great ones and humbeling. I had my office manager make a binder of all the HOF rolls and speeches and select storys. I have actually given it to one of our guys thats a smoker when after talking about quiting. He came back both humbled at hard this process of kicking the nic bitch and inspired!! I realize he isnt a dipper but hopefully he goes into his quite with eyes open.

My Quite started for my kids and has now been dedicated to my best friend who passed away right before my HOF. I met the man in AIT we became fast friends after an obligatory fight over some mouthy BS (probaly my mouth over loading). After AIT we both went seperate commands and I never saw him again till a fatefull morning in NC some 14 yrs later. He was looking for a job and i was hiring. I of course hired him and as they say History was written from that time on. He was one hell of a fishermen and a goddamn good offshore captain having won on his own several kingfish tourny. And he taught me all i know about big game fishing and so may things i would be here all day. I dragged his ass over florida and back to Texas with work. When I went to self employeed he stayed in the buisness and was extreamly sought after. We fished our ass off every chance we got. Started going after the demons from 2000 ft. We once had a sail fish atack our boat!! got his bill stuck in the center console seat. His Passion for fishing was only matched with that for his kiddo. She is a great adult now thanks to him and going to make history on her own.

My friend was a 2 pak a day smoker who died from a massive heart attack. He will be missed by all and the world is not as bright as it used to be for many of us. Hold your dear friends close because our time here is limited.