Author Topic: * Been a long time.....  (Read 3066 times)

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Offline icehouse

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* Been a long time.....
« on: February 18, 2010, 08:41:00 AM »
I feel it is time to write my HOF. Like most I have started this journey several times with limited success over the last 17 years. Several Mini-Quits I like to call them.....get through the bad withdrawal symptoms just to cave when I have a bad day, going fishing, hunting, etc. Well, it has been just over a year since I started this long battle with the Nic bitch and I can now say I won. 100 days wasn't enough for me to be comfortable in writing this so I held off. I have been in every situation over the course of a year and I have not caved and will not cave.

I was the guy that got the prize wife and she thought that I had quit chewing....well little did she know whenever I was away from her I had a dip in.....I took a long shit (dip), mowed the grass A LOT (dip) only half and inch of snow, well I had to shovel (dip) work (dip).....out drinking (dip)....hunt/fish (dip) get the idea. She never knew I was I did get caught from time to time but it was only when I was feeling balzy and would take a dip with her around but I always had someone with me who chewed so I would say I took a pinch from him....not the can in my coat pocket, or tucked in my sock...yup, I would hide it in my sock.

Well, the long journey with the quit started on Jan. 29 which was the day before my daughters third birthday. I went to bed feeling fine....woke up around 1:00 and started puking and shitting.....this didn't stop and about 5:00 am I was so dehydrated that my muscles were cramped, I couldn't move, walk, could hardly get up to the toilet. My wife took me to the ER and they gave me some drugs to get everything to stop, pumped me full of 3.5 liters of fluids.....and sent me home. I was laid up in bed for about 4 days, missed the birthday party, still feeling week and tired I went back to work and thought about having a dip...then it hit me it had been 4 days since my last dip....

I went home that night and dumped out all the cans I had around the know the cans that are hide for a rainy day.....and then found this page at work the following day.....I just told my wife on my 1 year anniversary that I chewed for the 4 years we were dating and the last 5 years of marriage and that it had been 1 full year since my last dip......let's say she was a bit shocked....and pissed....but happy....I told her that was why I was so pissy and crabby about a year ago but I didn't want to tell her why at that time.....

So thank you all for your help in my journey, I am not working on getting my brother and brother-in-law to quit! Hope they do it just like I did....minus the trip to the ER.
