I'm looking forward to not having them anymore.
Don't look forward to anything right now. Focus on today and win your match today.
Quitting nicotine is a war. War is waged in various settings and battles. Sometime you are on offense, other times you take defense and most of all you have to win the psychological battle.
What I am trying to say is you just declared war on an addiction. In this war, never look forward to it being over. Enjoy kicking nicotine's ass every day you wake. Only win today's match. If you don't, tomorrow doesn't matter because you are no longer undefeated. So Today is balls out and fight. Tomorrow is not a worry until today is over. When tomorrow becomes today, immediately post roll and repeat.
338 to 0. Up yours little nicky and all those who adore and promote your shit stew of lies. I'm still here and stay the hell away from me!
Its hard in the beginning and she'll give a good fight. Now all I do is let her know I am prepared and ready to battle. She usually vanishes from me. I am sure she goes and bugs someone else. I still get a punch now and then but it doesn't hurt. Just reminds me to keep on guard and my war isn't over until nicotine or I die.
The fight is a good fight. I like the feeling of victory I have every day now. If I'm alive tomorrow, I will enter bout 339 and promise to kick the living shit out of her yet again.
It hasn't gone away for me but my quit is pretty simple and easy.