Author Topic: Day 1 is a bitch  (Read 1492 times)

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Re: Day 1 is a bitch
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2015, 08:59:00 PM »
Quote from: PastyKidOriginal
Quote from: PastyKidOriginal
Quote from: Derekc1986
Is it ok to use Smokey Mountain Herbal Snuff? It's tobacco free and nicotine free. It's just a bunch of herbs mixed with molasses. Do you think that using this will impede my progress or slow down my progress?
Hey Derekc I commend you on quitting. I am also on day 3 and it is the worst thing having to deal with these cravings. I actually had to write an essay on behavioral changes a few weeks ago and I wrote mine on tobacco use. Anyway I came across a statistic that a craving wave will come upon you caused by your "triggers" and will last for on average 3-5 minutes at a time. the first week is also where the majority of these cravings will occur and there will be periodic spikes in cravings. The article then concluded that the average amount of time where someone would be tempted to use tobacco came out to be like 28 minutes. When you look at it that way it seems very easy to say oh yeah I can resist a chew for 28 minutes spread out over (I think they used 60 days but I can't find the article I'm doing some research currently and will hopefully have it at a later date for you) 60 days makes it seem even easier. But as the person having to resist it seems a lot harder than that. But I am here standing with you and along side you. I want to help support you and encourage you because you are here to change your life and I want you to be able to take full advantage of your God given life free of tobacco.
Hey no problem man I am here for you when ever you need it. I know exactly what you mean. After class and driving to and from work are especially hard for myself. Where the 3 minute craves come in. One just needs to stand strong and WE WILL SUCCEED and back to my first post here are 2 things that I have re-found. This was something that helped me when I read it i don't know it may do the same for you
Why Quit ... _tips.html

Then if you search tobacco crave cycle graph on google images you will see the average amount of craves people experience when trying to quit.

Derek, you doing great! With all these badass quitters behind you for you to reach out to anytime you want, it will make quitting so much easier. Don't feel weak if you have to ask for help, at one point or another we all pretty much did. What I'm saying is don't white knuckle this alone , get numbers and come in here or post in your group. Stay active, read, listen, help others . If you want to know how you can help others , put your name beside someone telling them you support them, there's not a person in here that wouldn't love to see that. No matter if that persons got 1 day or 500 days quit it just damn well feels good and might be that one little thing to get them over the hump for the day. Damn proud of you young man! My number is yours just pm me. Quit on!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline PastyKidOriginal

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Re: Day 1 is a bitch
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2015, 07:25:00 PM »
Quote from: PastyKidOriginal
Quote from: Derekc1986
Is it ok to use Smokey Mountain Herbal Snuff? It's tobacco free and nicotine free. It's just a bunch of herbs mixed with molasses. Do you think that using this will impede my progress or slow down my progress?
Hey Derekc I commend you on quitting. I am also on day 3 and it is the worst thing having to deal with these cravings. I actually had to write an essay on behavioral changes a few weeks ago and I wrote mine on tobacco use. Anyway I came across a statistic that a craving wave will come upon you caused by your "triggers" and will last for on average 3-5 minutes at a time. the first week is also where the majority of these cravings will occur and there will be periodic spikes in cravings. The article then concluded that the average amount of time where someone would be tempted to use tobacco came out to be like 28 minutes. When you look at it that way it seems very easy to say oh yeah I can resist a chew for 28 minutes spread out over (I think they used 60 days but I can't find the article I'm doing some research currently and will hopefully have it at a later date for you) 60 days makes it seem even easier. But as the person having to resist it seems a lot harder than that. But I am here standing with you and along side you. I want to help support you and encourage you because you are here to change your life and I want you to be able to take full advantage of your God given life free of tobacco.
Hey no problem man I am here for you when ever you need it. I know exactly what you mean. After class and driving to and from work are especially hard for myself. Where the 3 minute craves come in. One just needs to stand strong and WE WILL SUCCEED and back to my first post here are 2 things that I have re-found. This was something that helped me when I read it i don't know it may do the same for you
Why Quit ... _tips.html

Then if you search tobacco crave cycle graph on google images you will see the average amount of craves people experience when trying to quit.

Offline Derekc1986

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Re: Day 1 is a bitch
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2015, 07:15:00 PM »
Quote from: PastyKidOriginal
Quote from: Derekc1986
Is it ok to use Smokey Mountain Herbal Snuff? It's tobacco free and nicotine free. It's just a bunch of herbs mixed with molasses. Do you think that using this will impede my progress or slow down my progress?
Hey Derekc I commend you on quitting. I am also on day 3 and it is the worst thing having to deal with these cravings. I actually had to write an essay on behavioral changes a few weeks ago and I wrote mine on tobacco use. Anyway I came across a statistic that a craving wave will come upon you caused by your "triggers" and will last for on average 3-5 minutes at a time. the first week is also where the majority of these cravings will occur and there will be periodic spikes in cravings. The article then concluded that the average amount of time where someone would be tempted to use tobacco came out to be like 28 minutes. When you look at it that way it seems very easy to say oh yeah I can resist a chew for 28 minutes spread out over (I think they used 60 days but I can't find the article I'm doing some research currently and will hopefully have it at a later date for you) 60 days makes it seem even easier. But as the person having to resist it seems a lot harder than that. But I am here standing with you and along side you. I want to help support you and encourage you because you are here to change your life and I want you to be able to take full advantage of your God given life free of tobacco.
Hey PKO, thanks for the outreach. The worst cravings normally last about 3 minutes. But when I'm sitting at home watching football, it's all I can think of. Maybe nice my brain is rewired, it'll get better. But, I am into this quit all the way. No more halfway quit. All quit!!!

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Re: Day 1 is a bitch
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2015, 06:28:00 PM »
Quote from: I'm
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Derekc1986
Is it ok to use Smokey Mountain Herbal Snuff? It's tobacco free and nicotine free. It's just a bunch of herbs mixed with molasses. Do you think that using this will impede my progress or slow down my progress?
Fake is fine to use. Here are some reviews: Smokeless Alternatives

The only requirement is to keep the real stuff out of your mouth. I never tried the fake because it seems too much like the real thing for me, but there are plenty of guys on here that use it. Other alternatives are seeds, gum, toothpicks, hard candy, atomic fireballs, altoids, cotton balls, raisins, jerky, etc. Anything that keeps nicotine out of your system will work for now. You can ditch any of the above later if you need to because they don't contain chemicals and poison to keep you addicted to them.
If nicotine is not in your body.....It's good! QLF with you today!
Eventually your desire for the fake will go away. Keep posting how you are doing, you can get through this and it will get better.

Offline PastyKidOriginal

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Re: Day 1 is a bitch
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2015, 06:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Derekc1986
Is it ok to use Smokey Mountain Herbal Snuff? It's tobacco free and nicotine free. It's just a bunch of herbs mixed with molasses. Do you think that using this will impede my progress or slow down my progress?
Hey Derekc I commend you on quitting. I am also on day 3 and it is the worst thing having to deal with these cravings. I actually had to write an essay on behavioral changes a few weeks ago and I wrote mine on tobacco use. Anyway I came across a statistic that a craving wave will come upon you caused by your "triggers" and will last for on average 3-5 minutes at a time. the first week is also where the majority of these cravings will occur and there will be periodic spikes in cravings. The article then concluded that the average amount of time where someone would be tempted to use tobacco came out to be like 28 minutes. When you look at it that way it seems very easy to say oh yeah I can resist a chew for 28 minutes spread out over (I think they used 60 days but I can't find the article I'm doing some research currently and will hopefully have it at a later date for you) 60 days makes it seem even easier. But as the person having to resist it seems a lot harder than that. But I am here standing with you and along side you. I want to help support you and encourage you because you are here to change your life and I want you to be able to take full advantage of your God given life free of tobacco.

I'm done with chew

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Re: Day 1 is a bitch
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2015, 06:17:00 PM »
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Derekc1986
Is it ok to use Smokey Mountain Herbal Snuff? It's tobacco free and nicotine free. It's just a bunch of herbs mixed with molasses. Do you think that using this will impede my progress or slow down my progress?
Fake is fine to use. Here are some reviews: Smokeless Alternatives

The only requirement is to keep the real stuff out of your mouth. I never tried the fake because it seems too much like the real thing for me, but there are plenty of guys on here that use it. Other alternatives are seeds, gum, toothpicks, hard candy, atomic fireballs, altoids, cotton balls, raisins, jerky, etc. Anything that keeps nicotine out of your system will work for now. You can ditch any of the above later if you need to because they don't contain chemicals and poison to keep you addicted to them.
If nicotine is not in your body.....It's good! QLF with you today!

I'm done with chew

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Re: Day 1 is a bitch
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2015, 06:16:00 PM »
Quote from: Derekc1986
Is it ok to use Smokey Mountain Herbal Snuff? It's tobacco free and nicotine free. It's just a bunch of herbs mixed with molasses. Do you think that using this will impede my progress or slow down my progress?
If nicotine is not in your body.....It's good! QLF with you today!

Offline KingNothing

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Re: Day 1 is a bitch
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2015, 06:16:00 PM »
Quote from: Derekc1986
Is it ok to use Smokey Mountain Herbal Snuff? It's tobacco free and nicotine free. It's just a bunch of herbs mixed with molasses. Do you think that using this will impede my progress or slow down my progress?
Fake is fine to use. Here are some reviews: Smokeless Alternatives

The only requirement is to keep the real stuff out of your mouth. I never tried the fake because it seems too much like the real thing for me, but there are plenty of guys on here that use it. Other alternatives are seeds, gum, toothpicks, hard candy, atomic fireballs, altoids, cotton balls, raisins, jerky, etc. Anything that keeps nicotine out of your system will work for now. You can ditch any of the above later if you need to because they don't contain chemicals and poison to keep you addicted to them.
"Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." - worktowin
"today you dissided that shit wont control your life. and it wont. unless you let it." - drome
"Not thinking about nicotine is for people who've never used nicotine. We threw that option away with the first dip or drag on a cigarette. We are addicts, and cannot become un-addicted." - wildirish317
"You need to decide how much you really want to be quit." - pky1520
We are always at risk. And probably always will be. That is why I will never get "too quit" to post my +1. Every. Damn. Day. - geis2597

Freedom Tastes So Good

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Offline Derekc1986

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Re: Day 1 is a bitch
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2015, 06:00:00 PM »
Is it ok to use Smokey Mountain Herbal Snuff? It's tobacco free and nicotine free. It's just a bunch of herbs mixed with molasses. Do you think that using this will impede my progress or slow down my progress?

Offline KingNothing

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Re: Day 1 is a bitch
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2015, 04:32:00 PM »
Quote from: Derekc1986
Derekc1986 - Day 3: Day 3 sucks pretty bad so far. Everytime I go out on the job, I want to dip. The candy that I'm using to curb the cravings is now tearing up my mouth just as bad as tobacco did. I'm looking at every gas station I come across to find that Smokey Mountain Snuff (All Herbal / No Nic / Quit Aid). The hardest time period has got to be when I'm sitting down in my recliner after a long day of work and after all 3 kids are to bed. I want a nice chew right then and there. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEN WILL THE SUCK END!!!!!!!!!!!!
You will come back to read this several weeks from now and wonder to yourself what in the hell you were thinking. Derek, nicotine still has its talons dug deeply in the farthest trenches of your mind. Every day that you do not fail at protecting your quit, is another step closer towards loosening that grip.

Your belief that you want nicotine is misplaced. What you "want" is for the withdrawals to go away so you don't feel like crap any more. I have a quote in my signature line that worktowin spewed to a quitter awhile back: "Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." -- That's the truth. You don't need nicotine any more than you need a cancer diagnosis. It never did a damn thing for you except steal your money and adversely affect your health. That "bump" you feel like you need is your mind rewiring itself to adjust to no longer being subjected to a poison at certain increments throughout the day.

I understand that you do not fully grasp what I'm saying yet, but if you stick with this, you will. You probably think I'm just blowing smoke up your ass right now, but I'm not. It's all true. I am a mere 100 days further down the path than you, so I remember what it was like to be right where you are. I don't even recognize the brokenness that I was 110 days ago. I am a new man today. I wake up everyday feeling incredibly blessed to take this fight to nicotine today. Lord knows nicotine took the fight to me for long enough. Think about those kids when you think a dip sounds like a good idea. Then read Tom and Jenny Kern's Story That should shore things right up my man. If you need anything feel free to reach out.
"Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." - worktowin
"today you dissided that shit wont control your life. and it wont. unless you let it." - drome
"Not thinking about nicotine is for people who've never used nicotine. We threw that option away with the first dip or drag on a cigarette. We are addicts, and cannot become un-addicted." - wildirish317
"You need to decide how much you really want to be quit." - pky1520
We are always at risk. And probably always will be. That is why I will never get "too quit" to post my +1. Every. Damn. Day. - geis2597

Freedom Tastes So Good

Quit: 7/10/15, HOF: 10/17/15, 2nd Floor: 1/25/16, 3rd Floor: 5/4/16, 1 year: 7/10/16 4th Floor: 8/12/16, 5th Floor: 11/20/16, 6th Floor: 2/28/17, 7th Floor: 6/8/17, 2 years: 7/10/17, 8th Floor: 9/16/17, 9th Floor: 12/25/17, Comma: 4/4/18, 3 years: 7/10/18, 11th Floor: 7/13/18

Offline Derekc1986

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Re: Day 1 is a bitch
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2015, 04:07:00 PM »
Derekc1986 - Day 3: Day 3 sucks pretty bad so far. Everytime I go out on the job, I want to dip. The candy that I'm using to curb the cravings is now tearing up my mouth just as bad as tobacco did. I'm looking at every gas station I come across to find that Smokey Mountain Snuff (All Herbal / No Nic / Quit Aid). The hardest time period has got to be when I'm sitting down in my recliner after a long day of work and after all 3 kids are to bed. I want a nice chew right then and there. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEN WILL THE SUCK END!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Day 1 is a bitch
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2015, 11:13:00 AM »
Quote from: Derekc1986
I'm on Day 2 now and I've tried to supplement not having dip in my mouth with Jolly Rancher Cinnamon Fire candy or Big Red gum. I guess I just want something that will give me that same burn. I drive a lot for work and I usually have a dip every time I get into my truck. That is the hardest part so far.
3 words brother.

atomick. fire. balls.

check my intro man. i lived on um for near 50 days.

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Re: Day 1 is a bitch
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2015, 10:49:00 AM »
I have the exact same problem with driving. The first 5 days was hell driving to and from work. What ultimately got me through it was always attacking it one day at a time ( I'm just going to get through today) and I felt better knowing that every moment I spent in my car was more time for my brain to rewire it's association with dip and driving. After 5 days it got wayyyyy better and after a month I don't have cue induced cravings from driving. Stay strong and embrace the shittines as a positive, your doing great !

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Re: Day 1 is a bitch
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2015, 10:42:00 AM »
I'm on Day 2 now and I've tried to supplement not having dip in my mouth with Jolly Rancher Cinnamon Fire candy or Big Red gum. I guess I just want something that will give me that same burn. I drive a lot for work and I usually have a dip every time I get into my truck. That is the hardest part so far.

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Re: Day 1 is a bitch
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2015, 08:33:00 AM »
Congrats on day 1!

remember one day at a time.

I quit with you!
Jenny and Tom Kern

RIP My Brother!