Author Topic: Brisingr Intro  (Read 1775 times)

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Re: Brisingr Intro
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2017, 08:32:00 PM »
Quote from: PhuctUp
Quote from: Brisingr
So I guess this is where I'm to post random threads. Bear with me, most of this is a steam release..

Day 4 here. Day 3 and 4 were tougher than day 1 and 2 for sure. I didn't expect that because once the nicotine is out and I mind made up, I thought the mental part of it would be less impactful. Sometimes it feels like luck to make it through the quit before the fog lifts and the anxiety is high. Spare me with the it isn't luck stuff; I know. I'm just saying it feels like luck.

So, a lot of drama in the quit groups. Guess that's expected too. I think we need a better place to post crap than within the same area we post roll call. To easy to miss it.

Anyways, glad to be here. Looking forward to the weekend with the fam where I don't have to jones and ninja dip all the time. At least I'll be free even if I still feel like crap.

One other thing I suppose; this is a large site and as I feared, its easy for a new quitter to be forgotten amongst the boards, even though I feel I've been fairly active. I'll keep staying active then maybe someone else except JRan and PhuckedUp learns my name. Or maybe you saw I was a caver somewhere else before and I don't deserve to be part of the KTC community.

Ok, stupid rant over. Thanks for the release. One thing is for sure, I'm not putting tobacco in my face today. Thank you KTC for that.
Remember this. It's actually pretty tough to be forgotten when you say A LOT!! And if you say A LOT, it means you are being active on the site. And if you're active on the site, you're well on your way to the brotherhood and accountability this place is known for and of which success stories are made. And if you're well on your way to that, you're well on your way to freedom and then the newbies look up to your for your wisdom. And then you're actually NEVER forgotten. Think about it.
Deep and surprisingly not at the same time. Drinking the Kool-Aid with PU tonight...

Alcohol Free 06-21-2013 - Tobacco Free 08-16-19

Offline PhuctUp

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Re: Brisingr Intro
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2017, 08:17:00 PM »
Quote from: Brisingr
So I guess this is where I'm to post random threads. Bear with me, most of this is a steam release..

Day 4 here. Day 3 and 4 were tougher than day 1 and 2 for sure. I didn't expect that because once the nicotine is out and I mind made up, I thought the mental part of it would be less impactful. Sometimes it feels like luck to make it through the quit before the fog lifts and the anxiety is high. Spare me with the it isn't luck stuff; I know. I'm just saying it feels like luck.

So, a lot of drama in the quit groups. Guess that's expected too. I think we need a better place to post crap than within the same area we post roll call. To easy to miss it.

Anyways, glad to be here. Looking forward to the weekend with the fam where I don't have to jones and ninja dip all the time. At least I'll be free even if I still feel like crap.

One other thing I suppose; this is a large site and as I feared, its easy for a new quitter to be forgotten amongst the boards, even though I feel I've been fairly active. I'll keep staying active then maybe someone else except JRan and PhuckedUp learns my name. Or maybe you saw I was a caver somewhere else before and I don't deserve to be part of the KTC community.

Ok, stupid rant over. Thanks for the release. One thing is for sure, I'm not putting tobacco in my face today. Thank you KTC for that.
Remember this. It's actually pretty tough to be forgotten when you say A LOT!! And if you say A LOT, it means you are being active on the site. And if you're active on the site, you're well on your way to the brotherhood and accountability this place is known for and of which success stories are made. And if you're well on your way to that, you're well on your way to freedom and then the newbies look up to your for your wisdom. And then you're actually NEVER forgotten. Think about it.

Offline Brisingr

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Re: Brisingr Intro
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2017, 04:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Brisingr
So I guess this is where I'm to post random threads. Bear with me, most of this is a steam release..

Day 4 here. Day 3 and 4 were tougher than day 1 and 2 for sure. I didn't expect that because once the nicotine is out and I mind made up, I thought the mental part of it would be less impactful. Sometimes it feels like luck to make it through the quit before the fog lifts and the anxiety is high. Spare me with the it isn't luck stuff; I know. I'm just saying it feels like luck.

So, a lot of drama in the quit groups. Guess that's expected too. I think we need a better place to post crap than within the same area we post roll call. To easy to miss it.

Anyways, glad to be here. Looking forward to the weekend with the fam where I don't have to jones and ninja dip all the time. At least I'll be free even if I still feel like crap.

One other thing I suppose; this is a large site and as I feared, its easy for a new quitter to be forgotten amongst the boards, even though I feel I've been fairly active. I'll keep staying active then maybe someone else except JRan and PhuckedUp learns my name. Or maybe you saw I was a caver somewhere else before and I don't deserve to be part of the KTC community.

Ok, stupid rant over. Thanks for the release. One thing is for sure, I'm not putting tobacco in my face today. Thank you KTC for that.
Oh and working out everyday and still getting fat..

Oh well, better than dead. I'll drop the weight later. 'gil'
Alcohol Free 06-21-2013 - Tobacco Free 08-16-19

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Re: Brisingr Intro
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2017, 03:38:00 PM »
So I guess this is where I'm to post random threads. Bear with me, most of this is a steam release..

Day 4 here. Day 3 and 4 were tougher than day 1 and 2 for sure. I didn't expect that because once the nicotine is out and I mind made up, I thought the mental part of it would be less impactful. Sometimes it feels like luck to make it through the quit before the fog lifts and the anxiety is high. Spare me with the it isn't luck stuff; I know. I'm just saying it feels like luck.

So, a lot of drama in the quit groups. Guess that's expected too. I think we need a better place to post crap than within the same area we post roll call. To easy to miss it.

Anyways, glad to be here. Looking forward to the weekend with the fam where I don't have to jones and ninja dip all the time. At least I'll be free even if I still feel like crap.

One other thing I suppose; this is a large site and as I feared, its easy for a new quitter to be forgotten amongst the boards, even though I feel I've been fairly active. I'll keep staying active then maybe someone else except JRan and PhuckedUp learns my name. Or maybe you saw I was a caver somewhere else before and I don't deserve to be part of the KTC community.

Ok, stupid rant over. Thanks for the release. One thing is for sure, I'm not putting tobacco in my face today. Thank you KTC for that.
Alcohol Free 06-21-2013 - Tobacco Free 08-16-19

Offline Stillamarine

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Re: Brisingr Intro
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2017, 11:59:00 AM »
Get your quit on! The weekend is dangerous for most quitters, that bitch's voice gets loud during those first couple weekends. Reach out to your brothers when needed. Stay on roll. Tell the bitch she ain't got shit on you.
No day but today.

Semper Fi

24 years of dipping = 8,765 days of slavery to the nic-bitch (approximately)

Quit date June 12th, 2015

Offline PhuctUp

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Re: Brisingr Intro
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2017, 08:10:00 AM »
Quote from: Brisingr
Day 2, doing ok. The fog has sat in nicely so just trying to keep even keel. I'm getting familiar with the website, pretty incredible how much information and activity is here. To think how many lives were impacted by the life saving information and support provided here at KTC.

I'm not going to dip today. I posted my promise. Today, I'm burning plank number two on the bridge back to slavery. And now, I'm going to go enjoy my day despite the nic bitches damage and whispers.

'Remshot' NB

Glad to be with the KTC!
Nice imagery. You need to post more in Story Time with those writing chops!! ^_^

Offline Brisingr

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Re: Brisingr Intro
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2017, 06:40:00 AM »
Day 2, doing ok. The fog has sat in nicely so just trying to keep even keel. I'm getting familiar with the website, pretty incredible how much information and activity is here. To think how many lives were impacted by the life saving information and support provided here at KTC.

I'm not going to dip today. I posted my promise. Today, I'm burning plank number two on the bridge back to slavery. And now, I'm going to go enjoy my day despite the nic bitches damage and whispers.

'Remshot' NB

Glad to be with the KTC!
Alcohol Free 06-21-2013 - Tobacco Free 08-16-19

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Re: Brisingr Intro
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2017, 10:51:00 AM »
Thank you for your service and quit like fuck ! That is all.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Brisingr Intro
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2017, 10:19:00 PM »
There's a fuck ton of us on here man. We all made the same stupid mistake with that nic bitch Whore.
The good news is that means you should know right off the bat you're not alone. You can do this brother. We are all here for you.

Offline PhuctUp

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Re: Brisingr Intro
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2017, 11:12:00 AM »
Quote from: Stillamarine
Quote from: Brisingr
Quote from: Stillamarine
Brother, I hate to tell you but you haven't quit nothing before. All you've done is some extended stopping. Until you realize the addiction that this is and you dedicate to really quitting then that's all you have. You have to be proactive in your quit. Knowing you must quit is just a small part of it. Coming here is a great next step. The most important step you can make is by going to your quit group (Pre-HOF September 2017 topic/30249720/1/) and getting on roll. Connect with your quit buddies. Get some digits. Make lifelong friends that will help you through your journey. You got some good passages in your signature line. Now put in the work.

SAM - 728
Good point SAM and thanks for the advice. Glad to see another military member on here too (which I suspect there are many!) I was in the Army but came from Marine family (yep, black sheep). And I directly supported the MEF during Iraqi Freedom (Artillery).
hey we love the King of Battle no matter whose guns they are!
I second everything SAM said. I'm one of your new "quit brothers" in June. I'm on day 12. Go find September '17 under "Quit groups" and learn how to post roll. Do that EVERY day as soon as you can get to a computer and join in with us in exchanging phone numbers so we have another level of accountability. I'll PM you my number and bump the post I made this morning about signing up for a couple of people to text every day to help hold you accountable. This shit WORKS if you allow it to work. Welcome.

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Re: Brisingr Intro
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2017, 10:57:00 AM »
Quote from: Brisingr
Quote from: Stillamarine
Brother, I hate to tell you but you haven't quit nothing before. All you've done is some extended stopping. Until you realize the addiction that this is and you dedicate to really quitting then that's all you have. You have to be proactive in your quit. Knowing you must quit is just a small part of it. Coming here is a great next step. The most important step you can make is by going to your quit group (Pre-HOF September 2017 topic/30249720/1/) and getting on roll. Connect with your quit buddies. Get some digits. Make lifelong friends that will help you through your journey. You got some good passages in your signature line. Now put in the work.

SAM - 728
Good point SAM and thanks for the advice. Glad to see another military member on here too (which I suspect there are many!) I was in the Army but came from Marine family (yep, black sheep). And I directly supported the MEF during Iraqi Freedom (Artillery).
hey we love the King of Battle no matter whose guns they are!
No day but today.

Semper Fi

24 years of dipping = 8,765 days of slavery to the nic-bitch (approximately)

Quit date June 12th, 2015

Offline Brisingr

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Re: Brisingr Intro
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2017, 10:16:00 AM »
Quote from: Stillamarine
Brother, I hate to tell you but you haven't quit nothing before. All you've done is some extended stopping. Until you realize the addiction that this is and you dedicate to really quitting then that's all you have. You have to be proactive in your quit. Knowing you must quit is just a small part of it. Coming here is a great next step. The most important step you can make is by going to your quit group (Pre-HOF September 2017 topic/30249720/1/) and getting on roll. Connect with your quit buddies. Get some digits. Make lifelong friends that will help you through your journey. You got some good passages in your signature line. Now put in the work.

SAM - 728
Good point SAM and thanks for the advice. Glad to see another military member on here too (which I suspect there are many!) I was in the Army but came from Marine family (yep, black sheep). And I directly supported the MEF during Iraqi Freedom (Artillery).
Alcohol Free 06-21-2013 - Tobacco Free 08-16-19

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Re: Brisingr Intro
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2017, 10:05:00 AM »
Brother, I hate to tell you but you haven't quit nothing before. All you've done is some extended stopping. Until you realize the addiction that this is and you dedicate to really quitting then that's all you have. You have to be proactive in your quit. Knowing you must quit is just a small part of it. Coming here is a great next step. The most important step you can make is by going to your quit group (Pre-HOF September 2017 topic/30249720/1/) and getting on roll. Connect with your quit buddies. Get some digits. Make lifelong friends that will help you through your journey. You got some good passages in your signature line. Now put in the work.

SAM - 728
No day but today.

Semper Fi

24 years of dipping = 8,765 days of slavery to the nic-bitch (approximately)

Quit date June 12th, 2015

Offline Brisingr

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Brisingr Intro
« on: June 08, 2017, 09:36:00 AM »

I quit tonight so tomorrow will be my day 1. I've been using off and on for about 18 years. I quit for six years (, then later a year and half and later again a few months. I just haven't been able to close the door which is what I want (will) to achieve this time.

I'm very nervous this go around because it seems the bitch has grabbed me even tighter this time. But I have good plan and will rely on my quit experience and community support to make it through. I know there is nothing more important than quitting right now and I'm prepared for the healing (pain).

So what's the difference this time? I'm not completely sure but I'm sick and angry with this quit/cave trend. I know tobacco is going to kill me because I keep it in my face all day long. I think I'll need your help and experience to make it for good this time.

I look forward to getting to know you all. One day at a time with you all.

James aka Veteran Caver
Alcohol Free 06-21-2013 - Tobacco Free 08-16-19