Hi Everybody,
So i've been looking at this site for a couple of days now, and right after midnight Central time I threw out my last tin. The tin that my Girlfriend doesn't know that i bought yesterday before going to work, after i told her I was done. I can't say that I wanted to quit, cause I really didn't on the surface, but deep down I didn't want to end up with cancer. And I didn't wanna see that look on my GF's face anymore of when i put in a dip.
Now this is the third time i've quit just this year, trying different things. I tried cold turkey, and that lasted about a day. I quit using nicotine gum, and that lasted about a week and a half (but it worked out really well for my dad who hasn't had a dip in I don't even remember how long.) I think the biggest thing I missed was having something in my lip and I'm really willing to give these substitutes a try. In fact yesterday I ordered 5 different flavors of Hooch to give a shot, and before i came home from work, I went to the gas station and picked up some Jack Links Jerky Chew, and it makes me confident, I don't feel as desperate to get a "fix" I do believe I am addicted to nicotine, but even more so I'm addicted to having something in my lip. So today starts a new life almost, tobacco free. May I rot in hell if i ever pick up the stuff again.
Now enough with the tobacco stuff, A little bit about me... I'm a military member who feels like he hasn't done a whole lot, by that I mean i'm in the National Guard and have never deployed, or really done anything outside of drill and Annual training. Please don't take this as I just joined for the benefits or anything like that, I would gladly do whatever they need me to do to defend our county and our Constitution, and most importantly, our citizens...
i really enjoy guns, The bigger the better, and if they are fully automatic they are just more fun. Just this last year i got an opportunity to fire a MK19, and for whoever doesn't know what that is, it shoots 40mm grenades on full auto. Not many things on my list go better than that.
I also enjoy reading a lot, and playing video games, not as important in my life but worth mentioning.
I have a beautiful Girlfriend who very shortly I want to ask to marry me. Why wait? Mainly because I know money should not be an issue, and I know i could get her any ring, but I want to get her something that she really likes, and saving money is not my forte. Besides doing this for myself, she is the reason I am doing this. She is the reason that i will be quit.
Ummm, see and this is where i run into that awkward part where I suck at introductions, or describing myself, or really sharing any of my feelings, but if you ever have any questions about me feel free to ask, i'm mostly an open book.
To whoever had the idea for this site, thank you. It is a wealth of knowledge, and sadly it is also a wealth of reasons to quit, I just read the story about Randy and his cancer, and that is what made me make the move to throw away my tin instead of finishing it. To Kylos, If you still look at these forums at all, I'm sorry for your loss, and Randy's family's loss. Thank you for sharing it. Thank you to you and to Randy to give me the push to throw that $6 can of cancer in the garbage.