That's a damn good intro I must say. Congrats on making the best decision you have ever made.
Your right about reading the stuff on this site. I have literally read all of it. Twice. When I first quit I had a daily routine. I would post roll in the am, and then start reading until I found something that I could hold onto for that day. Maybe it was another quitters post. Maybe it was reading the Tom and Jenny Kern's story, or any of the cancer threads or pics. Other days I read Hof speeches, or the posts from other resources, or guys intros.
I read until I hit upon a post that gave me the resolve to stay quit. Sometimes I read for an hour, sometimes a minute. I sucked the life out of this site and all it's information in order to strengthen my quit. I suggest you do the same. It'll work.
Sm-1411 days of reading