MRL, you touched on a couple of REALLY important things that I want to address.
The sadness/depression:
It's real. Your brothers and sisters here KNOW it's just as real as you describe, you're not making it up, or being a wuss, or any of that. I personally started having death dreams on my second night, which went away two days later, and I've had only one since.
You'll find TONS of information here on how to deal with it, different methods that different people use, etc. So my first recommendation to you is to come here every single day and do at least two things:
1. Post roll. Your welcome message from Chewie should have all the details on how to do it.
2. Read. Doesn't matter so much where you start, as long as some of it has to do with quitting nicotine (there are a few other areas of the forum that have other stuff, word games in Wildcard, etc). You'll learn about how others are going through the same shit as you, have gone through it, understand it, and are dealing with it.
My second recommendation is a technique that helps me sometimes. Have you ever been sad and just started smiling? Looking in the mirror and actually smiling, though you feel like shit. Just as feelings trigger actions, actions also trigger feelings. And the act of smiling actually can make you FEEL happier. I know that sounds like psychological bullshit, but it has to do with the way your nerves interact with the rest of your body. The nerves have no idea that you're doing it intentionally, they just feel you smiling, so they send the message on to your brain, which starts releasing those "feel good" chemicals into your body again.
The other topic, Being the Biggest Asshole
First of all, forget it...I'm the biggest asshole! Forever! Got my badge and everything. Second, you will find that people here will be willing to take an ENORMOUS amount of abuse from you, because they want you to stay quit, and they want you to make it as easy on your friends and family as possible. There's even a special section JUST FOR BITCHING.
So come here and lay it out, feel free to rag on me, bitch about your neighbor's barking dog, about your cravings, whatever you like, as long as you STAY QUIT!
We're here, and we're glad you are too. Hang tough.