I have been looming around here for the past few weeks, and finally made the decision that yesterday was my day 1. It was my 7 year wedding anniversary, and my wife was very happy. I have been dippn since a teen and after I hit 30, I knew something had to change. Well, it took 3 years of being 30 for it to stick. Sure I have quit before for show, but this time it's real and for the right reasons.
Day 1 (yesterday): Go to work, sit at desk and wonder how to sit at desk without a dip. Found that it's not that bad, just walk out in the plant every time the Nic Bitch push my buttons ( no dip in plant). Go home to second job (welding shop at home), wonder how the hell to weld and fab with no dip. Found out, it's not that bad. Then the shit hits the fan, other welder drops steel tube and cuts $500 welding torch, other guy cuts 4 tubes to the wrong length, wrong parts ordered for delivery truck, deadline get pushed up by two days.
While all of this is going on, the bitch is in me ear yelling YOU NEED ME, YOU NEED ME, and I'm thinking "one helluva day to quit". I send the other two guys home so I can deal with my quit without killing them. Once they leave I re-cut the tubes, put on the spare torch, and the need passes without a cave. I showed the bitch this time is the last time.
My wife knew how bad things in the shop were and that I was fit to be tied. Since she is also fully committed to my quit, at 9pm she brought me a beer and said that I should come inside for my day 1 reward. Well it was worth it!!!!!!!
Day 2 (today): The Nic bitch gets me up 1/2 hour before my alarm and wants some. Drive the hour to work with the bitch on my shoulder. Get a hold of IUCHEWIE because I'm having problems registering and I can't wait to post this day 1 deal. He helps, problem solved, and here I am well into day 2.
I have read things from so many of you, thanks for the support even if you did not know it!!!!