Author Topic: Anyone use Camel Snus to help them quit dipping???  (Read 1765 times)

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Re: Anyone use Camel Snus to help them quit dipping???
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2009, 09:58:00 PM »
Snus is dip... U still dip ino that can, and pull out a lipper... I aint shit, u aint shit, nothing important abput us,,, cancer doesn't have a name... When that "cancer dart" lands hope its not on you, quit my friend quit....

Fukukodiak 181
I've dipped enough to be satisfied for a life time, done with it... I killed the bear... hate that scumbag. 02/27/09@ 10pm was my last taste!!!!

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Re: Anyone use Camel Snus to help them quit dipping???
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2009, 08:25:00 PM »
everyone here is an addict, we are all addicted to nicotine, we all had NO CHOICE but to stop, you are not a unique snowflake, you are not the chosen one, you are not 'special'; suck it up, spit it out, you are not quit if you use nic, and welcome my new brother we are always open
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Re: Anyone use Camel Snus to help them quit dipping???
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2009, 08:08:00 PM »
Quote from: 2yutes
I am SO addicted to Skoal Long Cut Straight it's not funny.
You're addicted to nicotine, not Skoal Long Cut.

It's a little funny. But only if you laugh at Driver's Ed videos.

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Anyone use Camel Snus to help them quit dipping???
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2009, 07:36:00 PM »
Dude, there is no easy way around this. Spit it out, and flush what is left in the can. Sack up and go cold turkey, and get that poison out of your system. See the doctor and get some meds if you want. Use gum, seed, toothpicks, fake snuff...whatever for the oral fixes.

Your addiction to nicotine is no worse than the next guy. Just deal with the "pain" of quitting. Or maybe one day deal with the pain of cancer. Is that even really a difficult choice?

This web site is the place to be if you want to quit. You will have all the support you need. Do yourself a huge favor....go post roll in December 09, read, then read some more. Commit to the methods used here and you will quit. Good luck.
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Re: Anyone use Camel Snus to help them quit dipping???
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2009, 11:49:00 AM »
Quote from: FtheKodiak
But i still want you quit.
So do I. Buck up, son. Quit sending money to the tobacco whores in Virginia. Quit killing yourself. Quit being a slave to that can.

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Re: Anyone use Camel Snus to help them quit dipping???
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2009, 11:22:00 AM »
Quote from: SWJ
Quote from: My
Your addiction is not special. So put down your purse, flush what's left of your can, and bone up. Weaning is for the meek.
Word, bitch.

*Head-butts Dean to illustrate enthusiasm for Dean's wisdom*
2yutes, you will find out soon enough that this is not the place to get your panties rubbed. We take our quits very seriously here and you will note that some of the advice is in your face straight forward. It may seem harsh, but it's real, and only said to help you. i will also admit, that "put down your purse" had me peeing in my pants at your expense. But i still want you quit.
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Re: Anyone use Camel Snus to help them quit dipping???
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2009, 08:30:00 AM »
Quote from: My
Your addiction is not special. So put down your purse, flush what's left of your can, and bone up. Weaning is for the meek.
Word, bitch.

*Head-butts Dean to illustrate enthusiasm for Dean's wisdom*
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Re: Anyone use Camel Snus to help them quit dipping???
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2009, 08:11:00 AM »
Quote from: 2yutes
I am SO addicted to Skoal Long Cut Straight it's not funny.
Your addiction is not special. So put down your purse, flush what's left of your can, and bone up. Weaning is for the meek.

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Anyone use Camel Snus to help them quit dipping???
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2009, 01:10:00 AM »
I am SO addicted to Skoal Long Cut Straight it's not funny. The crap is in my mouth within 3 minutes of waking up and until 2 minutes before bed with maybe 2 hours total during the day that it's not in my mouth while eating and that's it. I dip about a can a day, maybe a tad more, in 5 or 6 large dips. Each dip stays in my mouth several hours at a time.

It's like clockwork for me...

wake up, DIP. Eat Breakfast, DIP. Eat lunch, DIP, etc,'s in there all day long.

I literally get shakey in the morning until that first dip kicks in and even wake up in the middle of the night for a "quick fix" once in a while. It's horrible.

I was wondering if anyone here has tried Snus to better control the weaning process and what the thoughts are about it.

I know all about replacing one habit for another but at this rate, unless I can get some Valium or Xanax for the withdrawals, I can't take the tremors and crap and need to wean myself off somehow, some way.

Has anyone tried to quit using Camel Snus for a short period of time?


Welcome to the club 2yutes, but a can a day ain't nothin. There are guys in here that would fucking sleep with a dip in. I'm not joking. You are far from the most addicted mofo to set foot in here. Many others worse off than you quit here and you can too. Snus is fucking stupid, you wanna drag your withdrawl symptoms out? Why? thats a recipe for failure, no fucking nicotine period. It takes 72 hours for the nic to get out of your system. Just put down the damn can and don't ever pick it back up. As far as meds to help you out, why the fuck not? you wouldn't be the first and you won't be the last. Why your at it go get some fake dip as well Smokey Mtn or Hooch. That shit helps loads with the oral fixation part. Now get your plan together get your drugs, fake dip, take your nuts out of your wifes purse and get quit.

Skoal Monster
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: Anyone use Camel Snus to help them quit dipping???
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2009, 11:54:00 PM »
It's just like the rest said. COLD TURKEY! You gotta do it.

I was just like you 9 days ago. 1 can a day. I'd wake up and smoke to get the main line fix, then dip ALL DAY LONG. Then on the weekends I'd be dipping and smoking, ALL DAY LONG. For 16 years. Skoal long cut straight and camel lights.

I tried almost every weaning method there was. Then I decided to try the patch. I ordered the patch last week but 3 days before the patch arrived I couldn't take shoving that shit in my mouth any more and I decided to GRAB THE FUCKING BULL BY THE HORNS and JUST QUIT.

I'm gonna tell ya, it ain't easy. Shit, you might be scared. I know I was. Are you scared? Are you too scared to take control of your own fucking life? We were born to kick some serious ass and take control and that's what we're going to do. And keep kicking it every day!

I'm gonna tell you what people told me the first few days. Get on this site. Quit. Take roll every day. Don't let your brothers and sisters down. MORE IMPORTANTLY, DON'T LET YOURSELF DOWN. If you feel the crave, get on this site and read the HOF speeches. Read everything you can.


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Re: Anyone use Camel Snus to help them quit dipping???
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2009, 10:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: 2yutes
I am SO addicted to Skoal Long Cut Straight it's not funny.  The crap is in my mouth within 3 minutes of waking up and until 2 minutes before bed with maybe 2 hours total during the day that it's not in my mouth while eating and that's it.  I dip about a can a day, maybe a tad more, in 5 or 6 large dips.  Each dip stays in my mouth several hours at a time.

It's like clockwork for me...

wake up, DIP.  Eat Breakfast, DIP.  Eat lunch, DIP, etc,'s in there all day long.

I literally get shakey in the morning until that first dip kicks in and even wake up in the middle of the night for a "quick fix" once in a while.  It's horrible.

I was wondering if anyone here has tried Snus to better control the weaning process and what the thoughts are about it.

I know all about replacing one habit for another but at this rate, unless I can get some Valium or Xanax for the withdrawals, I can't take the tremors and crap and need to wean myself off somehow, some way.

Has anyone tried to quit using Camel Snus for a short period of time?

No way around it, this is gonna hurt. Cold Turkey is the best way to quit in my opinion. You get other opinions as well.

The nic will be out of your system in about three days. All the slowing down stuff only prolongs the pain.

Having said that, If you have stopped all nicotine intake,,,

Welcome. You have found the best place to quit and stay that way. All of the tools and support required can be found here. You can do this. We will help.

If today is day - 1, Your quit group is December 09... here .... ... topic=2654


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Step 7 - Hit Ctrl and "V" at the same time to Past the info into the top box AND ADD YOUR info to the bottom of the list
Step 8 - Hit ADD REPLY below the bottom box
Step 9 - Go back to the 1st unread post, pat yourself on the back, and have a beer cause you will not be dipping today.
Snus is just the latest concoction from UST to addict your ass and keep it addicted. It is a new combo: and check this out-now they can mix the Nic Bitch with...You guessed it! Caffeine! Now you're really addicted! Listen to Ready. Cold Turkey. Keep close to us and MAN UP. One day at a time...One hour at a minute at a time. You can do this. I dipped a lot more than you for 30 fucking years. THROW THE SHIT OUT NOW AND POST ROLL IN DECEMBER 09!
"Yesterday starts tomorrow...tomorrow starts today." Marillion

Offline Snoopy

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Re: Anyone use Camel Snus to help them quit dipping???
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2009, 09:50:00 PM »
I would have to agree with Ready. If you are going to quit, just quit. Since I've been there and recently (prior to 19 days ago) did the same, trying to cut back just is an excuse to keep going.

If you need another habit, and I did, I chose the mint chew as an alternative so that I could deal with the nic withdrawal and then worry about the oral habit. Stick with it and quit 100%!!

Offline Ready

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Re: Anyone use Camel Snus to help them quit dipping???
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2009, 09:12:00 PM »
Quote from: 2yutes
I am SO addicted to Skoal Long Cut Straight it's not funny. The crap is in my mouth within 3 minutes of waking up and until 2 minutes before bed with maybe 2 hours total during the day that it's not in my mouth while eating and that's it. I dip about a can a day, maybe a tad more, in 5 or 6 large dips. Each dip stays in my mouth several hours at a time.

It's like clockwork for me...

wake up, DIP. Eat Breakfast, DIP. Eat lunch, DIP, etc,'s in there all day long.

I literally get shakey in the morning until that first dip kicks in and even wake up in the middle of the night for a "quick fix" once in a while. It's horrible.

I was wondering if anyone here has tried Snus to better control the weaning process and what the thoughts are about it.

I know all about replacing one habit for another but at this rate, unless I can get some Valium or Xanax for the withdrawals, I can't take the tremors and crap and need to wean myself off somehow, some way.

Has anyone tried to quit using Camel Snus for a short period of time?

No way around it, this is gonna hurt. Cold Turkey is the best way to quit in my opinion. You get other opinions as well.

The nic will be out of your system in about three days. All the slowing down stuff only prolongs the pain.

Having said that, If you have stopped all nicotine intake,,,

Welcome. You have found the best place to quit and stay that way. All of the tools and support required can be found here. You can do this. We will help.

If today is day - 1, Your quit group is December 09... here .... ... topic=2654


A how to get started by Remy:



Quit Groups, What do they mean, by SOS



Roll call, why we do it your word by LOOT.



How to post roll.



How to Post ROLL CALL - Roll Call Instructions
Step 1 - Find the last Roll Call
Step 2 - Hit the "Quote" button in the upper right hand corner.
Step 3 - Click your mouse ANYWHERE in The bottom Box
Step 4 - Hit Ctrl and "A" at the Same time so it looks like THIS
Step 5 - Hit Ctrl and "X" at the same time so there is NOTHING in Either Box
Step 6 - Click your mouse in the TOP BOX
Step 7 - Hit Ctrl and "V" at the same time to Past the info into the top box AND ADD YOUR info to the bottom of the list
Step 8 - Hit ADD REPLY below the bottom box
Step 9 - Go back to the 1st unread post, pat yourself on the back, and have a beer cause you will not be dipping today.

Offline 2yutes

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Anyone use Camel Snus to help them quit dipping???
« on: August 25, 2009, 09:04:00 PM »
I am SO addicted to Skoal Long Cut Straight it's not funny. The crap is in my mouth within 3 minutes of waking up and until 2 minutes before bed with maybe 2 hours total during the day that it's not in my mouth while eating and that's it. I dip about a can a day, maybe a tad more, in 5 or 6 large dips. Each dip stays in my mouth several hours at a time.

It's like clockwork for me...

wake up, DIP. Eat Breakfast, DIP. Eat lunch, DIP, etc,'s in there all day long.

I literally get shakey in the morning until that first dip kicks in and even wake up in the middle of the night for a "quick fix" once in a while. It's horrible.

I was wondering if anyone here has tried Snus to better control the weaning process and what the thoughts are about it.

I know all about replacing one habit for another but at this rate, unless I can get some Valium or Xanax for the withdrawals, I can't take the tremors and crap and need to wean myself off somehow, some way.

Has anyone tried to quit using Camel Snus for a short period of time?
