The fine quitters above did a good job of pointing out some great advice for you but I thought I would offer you some direct links to items to help speed and ease your searcher.
Welcome to KTC, you appear to have your mind made up to quit for you. If I may add a couple of things that in my opinion can make or break your quit (all items below with underlined words are links to different areas on KTC or referenced, all safe)
1. Your spouse/girlfriend, her support is critical and she deserves to understand more what you are going through, so see the following link and hell print it or e-mail it to her to read
Spousal Support2. Read this for yourself to make sure you fully know what to expect
What to expect when you quit; some days are better then others, then eventually all days are better
3. Read the stories on here at KTC, the Kern story is a tear jerker and though you want to be around for your kids this will reinforce it dramatically,
Kern's Story; then there are these words spoken by a man who lost his brother to this stupid shit
Sean Marsee, damn I wish he would have talked at my middle school.
4. Find an alternative and keep it on you at all times. There will be times when going to the Convenience Store and getting a soda or anything else can cause one lapse in judgment and lead to a huge mistake. Don't be that guy, be the guy with Testicular Fortitude.
5. Find a couple of other quitters and exchange numbers with them, if you need another please PM me and let's do this.
6. Remember that you are an addict, 100 days is a milestone not a goal; the goal is a lifetime being free from the nic bitch. Get pissed off at big tobacco and the dangers they put you in.
7. Remember that you are the one who caused you to be an addict, so don't let anger get outside of your control. It is no one else's fault that you got here. Your family will only support you if you are not an asshole.