Hey everyone, I just discovered this site while looking for resources to help me stay off the shit(ter for 45 minutes at a time to have a lip).
I haven't had a drop of nicotine in 14 days, and I'm still struggling big time. I've been about a can a day dipper for probably 20 years now, starting in high school, like so many of you. I'm unbelievably sick of it!! I've been living with my girlfriend of 6 years for the past 3, and she has no idea I even dip. The useless drive to the store, the long dump, the wait-till-she-goes-to-bed are all part of my repertoire, and I've just flat out had enough. I just asked her to marry me, and I want to start this new chapter in my life fresh. Until I found this site, I didn't think I could even tell anyone I'm quitting, because almost no one knows I do it.
I cheated a bit to start my quit and didn't bring enough with me for a 2 week vacation overseas. Dip doesn't exist where I went, so I knew I would be going without over there. It wasn't too bad over there, but now that I'm home with all my old triggers (sitting at my desk at work is BRUTAL), it's been tough the last few days.
I picked up some Jake's Mint Chew, plenty of seeds, and most of you dippers probably never had a shortage of gum laying around. I've always been a social guy, so I think the thing that will help me the most is some community, and this seems like a pretty good one!