Welcome! Read every possible thing you can on this site. You need to understand the addict in you and the disease you're battling before you can go to battle. You've got the gum to battle the physical, but the information on this site will help you get the mental right too.
Click on the pink "Welcome Center" tab in the top left of your screen. That's the best place to start and it explains what the site is all about and the procedure for posting roll.
Your only obligation to this site is to post your promise everyday in your group (April 2014 for you) that you will not use nicotine in any form that day. Keep your promise to yourself and your fellow quitters. Go to bed, wake up and repeat. One day at a time (ODAAT) is the motto that will get you through. Beat the addiction today is your only task.
You can do this. Put your big boy pants on and fight this bitch like there was no tomorrow. If you can't stay quit, your tomorrows will be fewer, guaranteed. You deserve better as your parents and wife do. You WILL do this and we're here to give you all the motivation you need. Quit with you today. Now go post roll and start this thing off right.
If you need some digits or anything else, PM me.