Here's another thing that irritates me. When you get a guy or gal that has quit and then caved and claims this as some kind of source of wisdom. I figure that nobody is perfect, and yes, guys do fuck up. But I do not see the value of caving, it makes no sense to me. I didn't join up until I wanted to quit. Then I quit. For all the lurkers and dilletantes out there, I just don't know why they put themselves through it. I'm sure you can remember the first week right? I know I can, and there is no way in hell that I'm going to relive that, no fucking chance. Yet you see these guys posting Day 1 over and over again, who would want to do that? I just can't wrap my head around it. If I were to get in a fight, get the shit kicked out of me but still win, would I want to do that every few days? Not this kid.
I watch these documentaries on special forces selection from time to time. The one thing that all the successful candidates possess is what you said: Caving is not an option. You succeed, failure is unacceptable. I'm not comparing giving up using mouse turds to special forces selection, but the mindset is the same. Know what I mean?