Welcome to the site, bro! I also encourage you to read the website, learn how the program works, figure out which group you're in, and start posting roll and getting involved.
Not many people can do this by themselves. This site provides the support you need to get thru the tough times.
Don't think about forever, or the rest of your life. Here, we quit one day at a time. When we get up in the morning, we come here and post roll, which is our promise not to use nicotine that day, all day, no matter what. Then we get up the next morning and repeat it. Sounds simple, but its the only approach that works for me.
I'm glad to hear that you're quit, and I hope you take advantage of this website and program. Again, welcome! and if there's anything I can do to help you out, just ask here or send me a private message where you see "Inbox(0)" towards the top right of the screen.