Good Evening KTC Crew,
My name's Dominic, I'm 27 years old from central NJ and I've decided I want to quit chewing for good. It's been about an hour and a half since my last lip. I've quit for years and started back up again a few months ago. I have no excuse and nothing/nobody to blame but myself, but thinking logically about it I would say being out of a job due to covid/having way too much down time hasn't helped. Regardless, I feel terrible most of the time from it and get anxious/stressed way too easily, I've woken up heart racing and had a full on panic attack thinking I was having a heart attack. My workouts are suffering which kills me because working out at the gym is one of my favorite things to do. My gums are torn up, and the 1 out of 10 times where it hits the spot are just not worth it anymore. I've had enough. I'm ready to detox, to amp up my exercising to sweat all this toxic waste out of me, to use seeds/gum/whatever I need as a crutch. Any tips & tricks from the veterans in here would be much appreciated. And anyone who's a rookie and needs someone to relate to about how much this fucking blows feel free to reach out. Here goes nothing, don't be shy to reach out!