hey JKane01,
Good to see you posting roll!!!!!!!!!
the first few daze are a real bear, don't despair, we all come through it alive....a little messed up, pissed off, angry, confused even depressed, but we make it through the nictotine leaving the body.
Make sure you're drinking lots of water and doing whatever you have to do to "not" put the poison in your mouth.
After the nic is out of your system then the WAR begins....the rewiring, the fog, the fun stuff!!!
If you do this for YOU then you can DO this!
Read all you can, gather your tools of Quit early every a.m.
Fight the fight, stay busy, eat what you want, take care of your teeth (now that there isn't any crap in your mouth), be happy knowing that it will get BETTER!
Proud to be quit with YOU!!!!!! Rock ON! To hell with nicotine! 'Finger'