Keith congrats on making a great decision for yourself. And for reaching out. The network here is a HUGE part of what makes it work. Now, it's all up to you what you make of your quit-- i say jump in with both feet, and you won't regret it. This is your one chance to really do it right!
Want to jump in? the same stuff I tell everyone really worked for me:
1. learn all you can about the addiction you are fighting. Read other intros for experiences others have that are like what you did and will go through. Read articles about how addiction works (see my signature line below for one article that helped me).
2. Build a network here, big and diverse as you can, for support and accountability. Guys in your quit group, guys quit a little, and a lot, longer, guys who come in after you.
3. keep a log of your experiences here. It lets others know what sort of help you might be needing, and later it will be a great reminder of what you want to never go through again. And, it will help others who will read it and see some of themselves in what you do, and give them hope that they too can succeed.
Glad to be fighting this battle with you. Some great quitter impacted me when they pointed out that it ain't easy, but it's really simple if you just follow the method here.