Hey Rich - from the start, congrats on BOTH your quits. Something everyone that kicks an addiction needs to be cautious of is trading one addiction for another. Like you, I used chew to kick cigarettes...at least it wasn't cig's, right? My cigarette use picked up tremendously when I was in recovery, just like you. And I thought I understood addiction, I completed 12 steps, all focused on my addiction. Tell you what, probably the same thing you're realizing right now: I didn't know addiction until I tried to kick nicotine to the curb. Nothing I ever fought was as fierce as this. Nothing. That's why every day is a gift. You have 5 fantastic gifts under your belt. Another thing I THOUGHT I understood, but never really did until I fought nic: one day at a time. Here we don't ask anyone to quit forever, just today. If you can make it to bedtime, you have won. Tomorrow, well deal with that then. There is so much great stuff on this website, read HOF speeches, words of wisdom, 30's intro post, everything. This is the foundation of your quit, make it strong. I'm proud to be quit with you today my friend.