This was a great intro; you are no stranger to nicotine and her wrath.
"Nicotine is special, magical evil that cannot be explained to those who have not been addicted and dippers are a special case, mainlining nicotine into the system at 2 or 3 times the rate of heavy smokers."
Pretty pathetic huh? Layer on top the behavior one engages in to feed the addiction (ninja dipping, garbage digging that tin you decided to quit on, convenience store runs to ensure ample supply, etc.) and this pathetic life is nothing less than shameful. We've all been there. Good news, that's in the past now. No more will you need to " compulsively stretching my face to see the latest mark, bump or cut in my mouth, sure that it is cancer - only to greedily gobble a big dip as soon everything looks back to normal." You are free, no longer a slave to the can that drives you to be a pathetic and shameful being. Again, we've all been there. You can stay free and you've been given the instructions how. Post roll and give us your word every day that you will not use nicotine in any form. We, in return, will promise to quit with you and make sure you don't lose this newly found freedom. Post roll and proclaim your freedom, every damn day.