Short or long, the length/ time you used is irrelevant. People have gotten cancer from this shot way to fast!! The important thing is that you decides to quit!! Great choice!!! Like others said, I wish I cared sooner as well. I do want to bring to your attention a few things of which you said.
1. pissing my parents off.
- This is your life, the only person you should be concerned about pissing off is yourself.
2. Today I am quitting for my father .
- Like I stated above, this is your life, you can not quit for anyone except yourself!!! No one else will be there to put that shit in your lip! You are, they can't quit for you and you cannot quit for them. It has to be 100% you. Everything else is a bonus.
3. gonna try my damnedest not to go back.
- we don't try here, we do. If you try you will fail!!! You need to rewire your thinking and sac the fuck up and grow that hatred and confidence that you will beat this shit!!
My number is a pm away!! I quit with you again today!!