Fellow Quitters
I'm on day 3 of my quit and am happy to find this site. I've chewed Copenhagen for 25+ years and was up to a tin a day.
In Minnesota, that's about $60 per week which is absolutely insane. I'm done throwing my health and my money into the wind and am ready to take control of this circular can I now call "the Nic Bitch" (no offense intended).
I have a beautiful wife and 2 wonderful kids that I'd like to stick around for. I'm fully committed to this quit and will look forward to posting in roll call each and every day.
Mark (aka Bags)
Hell yeah, another Minnesota badass, I'm originally from South Dakota so I naturally became a fan of all Minnesota teams, except the damn Gophers.
This site works if you stick with it. Wake Up Piss Post Roll, keep your promise and do it again the next day.
Reach out to your fellow quitters and get digits, you never know when you will need to reach out by phone or text to help/save your quit.
There is absolute gold in these walls, read as much as you can, use the site to take your mind off the suck.
Embrace the suck, think about how shitty it is and you will never want to go back to a day one again.
Proud to quit with you Mark.
Skol- 303