On Monday the 21st, I had a 4pm dentist appointment. The dentist was concerned about the irritation from dipping, so I am now a former tobacco user. I have to go back in 2 months once everything heals up, so hopefully I'll be OK, otherwise I have to go for a biopsy.
I haven't had a dip since before the appointment. I wore a 21mg patch from Monday evening through this morning, and also had a cigar Monday night and last night. I'm done with all of that, I'm facing the beast head on.
Today I cleaned all of the empty cans and spitters from my truck, something I was actually looking forward to. I'm also going to have my truck fully detailed today as a treat. No more spills, no more dried out tobacco dust everywhere.
About me: 28 years old, been dipping for 10 years, 1-2 cans of Copenhagen a day.