Found this website a few weeks ago as I fought off the urge to get a can, I have been reading it for a few days and wanted to use it.
I started chewing when I was 15, that was 13 years ago. I quit for a year twice and screwed it up thinking I could have just one. The first time I quit I had a little over a year in and a buddy offered me a chew, within a few days I was searching for someone to borrow a dip off of. I quit again about a year later when my son got into a can of chew. Had a year under my belt chew free and convinced myself that I could have just one . I screwed that one up the same way and have been back at it for over 2 years. I cannot have just one, this time I am done forever.
My addiction has been mind raping me all day, just keep fighting it and trying to stay busy.