Good morning Bob. Wanted to welcome you to the best decision of your life. I noticed you posted your first time with the September 2017 quit group. These badasses have just completed their first 100 days, so you need to move on over to the January 2018 group. I moved your post over there and sent you a Personal Message (look in the upper right of the screen for "Inbox".) There's plenty of support available here, and you definitely need to take advantage of it. I sent you my number and will help you through this if you shoot me a text.
As far as your concerns with cancer, take a deep breath and make an appointment with your doctor. That is the best starting point. I've had many similar concerns throughout my 30+ years of chewing, and thankfully each one has been something else. You're in the right place for answers and support. Just take it one day at a time
Welcome again brother, hope to hear from you soon. ForeverYoung (Jeff)