I apologize for disparaging my former group. It was not intended to0 insult that group and the effort they have put in. It was poorly worded and again I apologize. This is about me wanting to quit tobacco. I am an addict and I am fully aware of that now. If protocol is I go back to my original group and ask for forgiveness i will surely do that. If I move forward with a new group I am ready to embrace them and let them know of my struggles. In the end what I am going to do different which has been asked my others in this thread and inbox is committment. While actions speak louder then words and it really comes down to being accountable for my actions, to my group, to my family and to myself. Not looking for instant forgiveness but I am committed to doing this and I need KTC's help...
1) Post roll everyday in Dec 13.
2) Take a leadership role there. ENGAGE with all of them and in KTC.
3) Post roll in Jan 13 again, every day.
Show us you want this by actions, not hollow words.
i agree come post with us daily after you post with December dont worry we will be there. post today i think we have some room. pm if you want a contact
Post as early as you can w/Dec. 13.
Post every dam day w/Dec 13.
Actions DO speak louder than words, so I also encourage you to:
Post as early as you can w/Jan. 13 JackWagins.
Post every dam day w/Jan. 13 JackWagins.
Make sure you check for bumps...if you've visited our roll page, you will understand that bumps happen. Traffic can be thick at times.
Your words to the Wagins spoke pretty loud.
Those actions every dam day will get louder than those words at some point.
I'm laughing here. It's a good thing I didn't check in for the past few hours.
Let's ignore the silly "Jack Wagins aren't a tight group" comment. What the fuck does that have to do with YOUR quit, moka? If your quit group isn't tight enough to give you support, you fucking make it tight. Why do you think it is that so many of the Jack Wagins still post roll every day? We just got lucky? Fell in a giant vat of quit? NO.
Guys like Sportsfan, Evil, epayne, 22skidoo, sharsky, pilotandy, dixie23, KLS, DipThis, our own lovable retread coachmorris, MikeinAz, zeno, jbradley, dipthis, OG White, ADMann, RLewis, JHaenel, Georgia32, 1bignordic, JMAC, mickey 24, ajamesion, and yes even Mr. "I post in Hawaii time" sferguson stepped forward and LED our group to being tight nit. LED us forward to staying quit. LED us together. Why? To make friends or score internet points? Fuck no. TO HOLD THEMSELVES AND EACH OTHER ACCOUNTABLE. Behavior I do not see coming from you, moka.
Did you even see that I called you out in December 13 this morning? Have you answered the 3 questions IN YOUR GROUP? Have you answered them in January 13?
You're making nice noises about quitting. That's great, and you've managed to get good and sincere advice from Sportsfan, Evil, and Sharsky - three VERY well regarded Jack Wagins who have been quit for the entire time over the last 300+ days that you were stuffing you piehole with cancer weed. I recommend that you post your answers in the appropriate places, accept all the help that's been offered, post roll every day, and take all the advice that's down below.
January Jack Wagins aren't tight . . . classic. I donated all my free time to your ass today solely because you managed to show up 22 times to post roll with me almost a year ago. Ponder that.