[/quote]Get your head around feeling like crap for a solid few weeks, maybe up to 2 months (and remember this every time you crave! Caving = repeating this crap!). The sh!t side effects are your body showing you just how badly you were poisoning yourself. I too had some sleep issues, but mostly I was just an angry, angry b!tch. :) Killing myself at the gym helped grind my anxiety down and helped me sleep. Lots of people go the Z-Quill route for the first few weeks. I also swear by lithium orotate and l-theanine, both anti-anxiety and both all natural (can be found on Amazon). Take it one day at a time, and reach out to the rest of us with all your questions/concerns. Somebody on this site has been thru the exact same side effect, and can offer help/advise on dealing/treating. Just take it one day at a time, minute by minute if you have to. It does get better, and the pride and sense of accomplishment you'll feel later is amazing. Quit on! [/quote]
Thanks for the suggestions!
Last night I found that Melatolin about 3mg works GREAT to help me sleep.