first of all, great decision. really. great fucking decision!
secondly, this thing between you and the nic bitch ain't a habit or a problem. it's an addiction, and you have to come to terms with the fact that you're an addict. this isn't something that you'll EVER be free from. just like heroin addicts, coke addicts, or alcoholics. and also, just like heroic addicts or alcoholics- who cannot have just one hit or one shot without serious consequences- nicotine addicts cannot have just one more dose (dip, smoking, cigars, whatever) without becoming addicted again.
you need to realize the extent of this. to call your addiction a habit minimizes it.
thirdly, you've found an online gathering of addicts that are quit and are here to help you quit. we offer support to those that post roll daily. posting roll is our promise to not use nicotine in any form for that day. so all you have to do is post roll, and then keep your word. simple.
but not easy.
and that's why the site is here. there's tons of wisdom in the words of your fellow quitters, there's tons of support to be found here when you're craving and need it the most, and there's tons of opportunity to pay that support forward to new quitters (and thereby strengthening YOUR quit as well).
welcome aboard. post roll. keep your word. get involved.
it gets better; life is fucking awesome when you're free and no longer a slave to the can.